What 3 things did Dog Man do to the chiefs office?
Chewed up his dirty tissue, ate his slippers, Peed on the floor
He got Big Jim to fling him over the wall on the seesaw.
Why did Petey get frustrated in the donut shop?
He wanted donut and the lady kept saying bagels
What new item of furniture did the chief get?
A couch
Who was the Mayor going to replace the chief with?
A robot
How was Dog Man getting smarter according to Petey?
He was reading books.
What sauce did the lady ask Petey if he wanted?
Who was caught on the couch?
Officer knight and Greg
Where did Dog Man follow the mayor?
To the strange factory robot time industries.
Money, TV, a car
What nice thing did Petey do after he left Dippy Donuts?
He tried to give someone that was hungry his bagels
What wire did they decide to snip?
What is Robo Chief using to catch Petey?
A rocket
What did Petey invent?
Word be gone 2000
What 2 things did Dog Man do when he found all the secret books in Petey’s lab?
He read them and then took them to let other people read them
Why is the chief angry with Dog Man when he reads the newspaper?
Because the paper says Dog Man is the greatest cop in the world
What does Petey do with his new found invisibility?
He pulled a lot of peoples pants down.
What did the mechanic do when Petey told him to “fill his car with gas”?
He filled the inside
What happened to Petey at the end of this chapter?
Dog man arrested him
What did the vacuum suck up first?
The surf board
What happened to Petey and Dog Man at the end of the story?
He flew all the way back to cat jail. He flew all the way back to the cops station