A tornado has been spotted
What is a Tornado Warning
Most common type of storm
What is a thunderstorm?
Why do cats make good warriors?
What is- they have 9 lives?
True or False:
Medication and therapy are the most successful tools in dealing with mental health challenges.
What is true?
Talking to clients and families in a private setting (not in the lobby or hallway)
What is HIPAA compliant?
Where should you go during a tornado in the office
What is the lowest level of the building
Another name for a hurricane
What is a typhoon?
What has cities, but no houses; forest, but no trees; and water, but no fish?
What is a map?
This disorder involves extreme mood swings, including emotions highs (mania) and emotional lows (depression).
Nonrevealing, neat, well groomed, and good hygiene
What is a professional appearance?
April through June
What is tornado season? (Remember they can occur at any time).
Water overflow that is caused by a large amount of rainfall
What is a flood?
Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet you miss me when I have flown. What am I?
What is time?
This anxiety disorder is characterized by sudden and unexpected panic attacks.
What is panic disorder?
Knocking on a closed door before entering, saying excuse me when interrupting a conversation, saying please and thank you
What are good manners?
What is not used to exit the building during Tornado
What is elevator?
Large, powerful storm that occurs over large bodies of water
What is a hurricane?
What has no hands, but might knock on your door, and if it does, you better open up?
What is opportunity?
This breathing technique requires one to inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4, and repeat.
What is box breathing?
Picking up paper, clean microwave/refrigerator discard old food, clean counters/tables, wash and put away dishes
What is teamwork?
What you should do if you’re in a car during a tornado
What is pull over and get out of the vehicle?
You should find a building and go to the lower level or lay flat in a ditch away from trees and cars.
Springtime, a roaring sound, dark ominous clouds. large hail, debris, wall clouds, and rotation
What are signs of a tornado?
What kind of ship has 2 mates, but no captain?
What is a relationship?
This term is used when someone experiences vivid and uncontrollable thoughts of harming themselves or others.
What is suicidal ideation?
Submitting timely notes, ISP, DAF, communication, and documentation
What is work responsibilities?