What happens when Desdemona drops her handkerchief?
What is Emilia picks it up and gives it to Iago?
What is the design woven onto Desdemona's handkerchief?
What is Strawberries?
This character seeks to regain his position as Othello’s lieutenant and believes that Desdemona’s intercession will help him accomplish this goal.
Who is Cassio?
"O curse of marriage/ That we can call these delicate creatures ours/ And not their appetites!"
Who is Othello?
What does Iago tell Cassio to do to get his job back?
What is... speak to Desdemona and ask her to convince her husband to give him his job back.
What does Iago claim that Cassio did in his sleep?
What is... talked about Desdemona, put his leg over Iago, and kissed Iago?
This was the vice that led Cassio to losing his lieutenant position.
What is drunkenness?
"My reputation, my reputation! I've lost my reputation, the longest-living truest part of myself!"
Who is Cassio?
How does Iago convince Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair?
What is using Cassio’s dream and the handkerchief as false proof?
What animal did Othello say he would rather be than love a cheating wife?
What is a Toad?
This emotion is described as a "green-eyed monster" and begins to consume Othello.
What is Jealousy?
"Men should be what they seem"
Who is Iago?
What does Othello demand from Iago before fully believing his accusations?
What is visual evidence?
How soon does Othello want Cassio dead?
When is... within three days?
This epithet is commonly used by Othello when referring to Iago?
What is... Honest?
"They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, They belch us."
Who is Emilia?
By the end of Act 3, what decision does Othello make regarding Desdemona?
What is he vows to kill her?
This is the original history and meaning of the handkerchief.
What is an Egyptian charmer gave it to Othello's mother and while she kept it, it would make Othello's father desire her and love her. But if she lost it or gave it away he would hate her and fall for another. Magic in the web of it.
Othello declares that Cassio must die and rewards Iago with this position.
What is lieutenant?
"You have a thing for me? It is a common thing-"
Who is Iago?