whats my dads dogs name
who is JAZZZ
What was last bf's name
Who is asswipe ashwin
what club was i in senior year
what is mental health awareness club
Whats my fav classic rock band
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what grade did i go to the hospital for a seizure in
what is 3rd grade
what are my moms dogs names
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Who did I lose my poonani virginity to
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what club was i in 9th grade
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what asian artist have i been listening to lots of
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what club was i in 8th grade year
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how many weiner dogs did i have
who was at my stepmoms funeral
who is lee...
what org was i in in middle school
national junior honor society
what was my fav band as a kid
the jackson 5
what sport did my team not win a single point the whole season in
what was my pet cows name
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what learner profile award did i get in 9th grade
what song was the first i bought on my phone
california dreamin
what show was my fav to play at sor
what was my rabbits name that escaped with the help of my cow
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what did i place 2nd at State for in the PSIA competition in 7th grade
dictionary skills
who is my bassist idol
who is les claypool
What was my stepmoms real name
who is Kimberly Stevens Villar