The first was Delaware, the last is this state.
What is Hawaii?
In 1920 this slugger for the New York Yankees hit more home runs than any other TEAM in the league.
Who is Babe Ruth?
The mascot for the University of Maryland?
What is a terrapin?
Common childhood disease known for itchy spots all over the body, and named for a bird.
What are chicken pox?
Branch of science that studies the weather.
What is meteorology?
Their first #1 song was "I Want to Hold Your Hand." Their last was "The Long and Winding Road."
Who are The Beatles?
The Kansas City Chiefs' first Super Bowl win was in 1970. What was the number of this Super Bowl?
What is IV. (4 or four).
Biologists put turtles in this class of animal, along with snakes and alligators.
What is a reptile?
Often cause by the bites of unvaccinated animals, this disease can cause people to foam at the mouth and seemingly fear water. It is nearly always fatal in unvaccinated persons.
What is rabies?
Branch of biology that studies plants.
What is botany?
Your last year in college you're a Senior. The first year you're this.
What is a freshman? (Frosh)
The two high schools in Spotsylvania County that have won State Championships in football?
What are Spotsylvania and Courtland?
This is a more common name for the carapace.
What is the shell?
There are various types of this disease including rheumatoid, all of them cause swelling an pain in a joint or joints.
What is arthritis.
Branch of science that studies things in outer space?
What is astronomy?
On the first day of Christmas you get A Partridge in a Pear Tree. What do you get on the last (twelfth) day of Christmas?
What are 12 drummers drumming?
This South American country won the first World Cup in Soccer way back in 1930. It also won in 1950, but has not won in the past 75 years.
What is Uruguay.
The most common species of turtle in Virginia, sounds like he might have used by Picasso.
What is the painted turtle.
The common name for cancer of the blood.
What is leukemia?
Branch of science that studies the behavior of humans as individuals.
What is psychology?
The first one of these was Thomas Jefferson, the last one is Glen Youngkin.
What are governors of Virginia.
Popular variations of this game include 501, Cricket and Around the Clock
What are darts?
Sternotherus Odoratus is more commonly known by this smelly sounding
What is the stink pot? (musk turtle)
An infection of the lungs.
What is pneumonia.
Branch of science that studies matter and energy and how they interact.
What is physics?