The largest country in South America, in both size and population.
What is Brazil?
The largest country in North America in size, it stretches from the US border all the way to the North Pole.
What is Canada?
The largest country in Europe in both size and population, most of it actually lies in Asia
What is Russia?
The largest country in size in Africa, but you don't need to take an antihistamine if you go there
The largest country in size in Asia - it's also the largest in size in Europe. Heck, it's the largest country in the world, totaling 16% of the world's land!
What is Russia?
Where you'd find the ancient city of Machu Picchu
What is Peru?
The oldest capital city in North America is in this country, in the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountains
What is Mexico?
You can find the cities of Marseilles, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Dijon in this western European country.
What is France?
Cairo, Alexandria, and Luxor can all be found in this ancient African country
What is Egypt?
Half of this country's capital, Istanbul, is in Europe, and the other half is in the Middle East
What is Turkey?
This country is long and skinny, and its name would lead you to believe that it's full of peppers
What is Chile?
The name of this country literally translates to "Rich Coast"
What is Costa Rica?
This mediterranean country looks like a boot on a map - and it's kicking the island of Sicily, which is also a part of this country
What is Italy?
The Cape of Good Hope can be found of the coast of this nation, at the southern most point of the African continent
What is South Africa?
There are more Christians in this east Asian island nation than any other country in Asia
What are the Philippines?
This country was named after its founder, Simon Bolivar
What is Bolivia?
Rhianna comes from this island nation in North America
What is Barbados?
This country is actually very green and beautiful, despite its name
What is Iceland?
This country, once called Zaire, is one of the largest in population in the world
What is the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Orangutans can only be found in this southeast Asian country made up of several islands
What is Indonesia?
This small country has two cities that contain the letter "Q," one of the letters used in its English language translation
This island nation, only 90 miles from the United States, has had strained relations with the US government ever since Castro became dictator in the 1950's
What is Cuba?
This country is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Holland, but that's not its actual name
What is the Netherlands?
This country practically touches Spain at the Strait of Gibraltar - but its politics are worlds apart from Madrid
What is Morocco?
There are more than 100 cities in this country that have a population of more than 1 million - by far the most in the world
What is China?