What is sustainable sites
The acronym BD & C
What is Building Design & Construction
Preferred parking for carpools, or low-emitting vehicles, & not more than required spaces by local codes
What are strategies for achieving Reduced Parking Footprint
Reducing waste, protecting soil from erosion, minimizing vegetation disturbances
What is the benefit of construction activity pollution prevention
Using native drought-tolerant plants and storm water for irrigation
What are solutions to reduce outdoor potable water
What is location and transportation
The total energy consumed throughout the life cycle of a product
What is embodied energy
Urban plan where majority of homes & businesses are on bus line
What is transit oriented development
Using SRI materials or vegetated roofing
What is reducing the heat island effect
LEED components such as reducing indoor water use, reducing irrigation, and water metering
What are solutions to reduce indoor potable water
What is materials and resources
The broader impact of business that balances economic, social & environmental
What is the triple-bottom line
Protection of habitat and imperiled species
What is sensitive land protection
Capturing falling rain to store or direct where it is needed
What is rainwater management
Tracking water consumption and identifying opportunities for water savings
What is Water Metering
What is water efficiency
Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum
What are the LEED levels of certification
Town plan that resembles main street with work, home & shops easily accessible on foot
What is New Urbanism
Measure of how well a material reflects solar radiation and emits thermal radiation
What is SRI (Solar Reflectance Index)
Used to save thousands of gallons of potable water during a buildings peak cooling periods
What is a cooling tower
What is indoor air quality
Select rating system, Register project, Submit Credits, Project Review, Project certification
What is the step sequence to LEED certification
Development of a brownfield (contaminated) or idle project
What is a High Priority
Preventing attractions of pests and using a sustainable approach
What is Integrated Pest Management
Reducing the need for irrigation, attracting native wildlife, using less pesticides and fertilizers
What is a good landscape design