What type of cookie did Ruth Wakefield invent when she broke up a bar of Nestlé semi-sweet and added it to the batter?
What are chocolate chip cookies?
This most popular type of cookie is a sandwich of 2 chocolate layers filled with cream.
What is an oreo?
This organization sells 2,000,000 cookies a year for their annual fundraiser.
What is Girl Scouts?
Half of the cookies baked in American homes each year contain this ingredient.
What are chocolate chips?
This cookie traditionally served at the end of the meal at Chinese restaurants actually originated in California.
What are fortune cookies?
This festive cookie is often cut into shapes like stars and hearts.
What are sugar cookies?
This company made the chocolate chip cookie famous.
What is Nestle Toll House?
What popular candy includes a cookie covered in caramel and chocolate?
What is Twix?
Classic sugar cookies most often contain this flavor extract.
What is vanilla?
The gingerbread cookie was the first cookie associated with Christmas and originated in this country.
What is Germany?
This type of cookie is made with thin crispy layers with flavors of creme between and comes in a variety including vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.
What are wafer cookies?
What was the first commercial cookie introduced to the United States in 1902 featuring bright colored boxes that hung on Christmas trees?
Animal Crackers
This frozen dairy treat includes crushed up chocolate cookies.
What is cookies and cream icecream?
This ingredient helps cookie dough rise and keep a light texture.
What is baking soda or baking powder?
This cookie is the official cookie of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
What is the chocolate chip cookie?
This type of cookie usually includes a breakfast grain and dried fruit or nuts.
What is an oatmeal raisin cookie?
This brand of cookie is known for their elf cookie makers.
What is Keebler?
This popular breakfast cereal is made to look like chocolate chip cookies.
What is Cookie Crisp cereal?
Thumbprint cookies are often filled with this ingredient and sprinkeled with powdered sugar.
What is jam?
Cookies are often called biscuits in this country.
What is England?
This type of cookie has been popular since the early 1900's thanks to George Washington Carver.
What is the peanut butter cookie?
Debbi Fields was a young Northern California housewife who, after a year or so of marriage, decided to start this business based around the chocolate chip cookies she had been baking since the age of 13.
What are Ms. Fields Cookies?
This type of birthday cake was invented by the Great American Cookie Company in the 1970s.
What is a cookie cake?
The soft chewy snickerdoodle cookie is often rolled in sugar and this ingredient before baking.
What is cinnamon?
Macarons are delicate meringue-based sandwich cookies from this country.
What is France?