Jesus wanted all people to be brought back into complete friendship with God his Father. This restoring of friendship and peace is called what
A sacrament of Christian Initiation. Through this sacrament, we become members of the Church
Your Dad asks you to clean your room. You respond by whining and stomping your feet because you don't want to stop playing video games.
The Fourth Commandment.
Honor your father and mother.
To turn away from sin and to live the way God wants us to live
A sacrament of service when a couple witnesses Christ's spousal love for the Church
You pretend to be sick on Sunday morning because you don't feel like going to mass and you want to sleep in.
The Third Commandment.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
The prayer or action that the priest asks you to do as part of your confession
A sacrament of Christian Initiation. Through this sacrament, we experience the true, real, and substantial presence of Christ.
You see a friend at school wearing cool new shoes. You want those same shoes so badly that it is all you can think about. You forget to pay attention during class.
The Tenth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
The person seeking God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance
A sacrament of Service, where people respond generously to God's call by dedicating their lives to Him
Holy Orders
You peak at your friends paper during a math test to see how to do one math problem you are having difficulty with.
The Seventh Commandment.
You shall not steal.
God's forgiveness of sins through the words and actions of the priest
A Sacrament of Healing performed by a Priest on someone who is ill
Anointing of the Sick
You have a substitute teacher unexpectedly. A classmate tells you that your teacher missed school because she was arrested for shoplifting. You tell others in class this same story.
The Eighth Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.