This movie franchise features a character named Luke skywalker
Star wars
This 1941 American drama, directed by Orson Welles, is often cited as the greatest film ever made.
Citizen kane
How many games are in a regular season
What continent is home to the naked mole rat
What is the largest cat species
She is known for her hit song bad guy
Billie eilish
This movie was the first feature-length animated film ever released
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
This penalty is called when a player is pulled back by anothers stick
What animal has the longest tail
How long do seahorses mate for
This streaming service is known for Stanger things and the crown
Known for its twist ending, this 1999 film features a character named Keyser Söze.
The usual suspect
What is the trophy played for
The Stanly cup
How tall is the average moose
What animal can change colour
He is famous spy known in 007
James bond
This 1968 sci-fi film directed by Stanley Kubrick is known for its groundbreaking visuals and thematic complexity.
Space odyssey
What name is given to the first NHL tams
The original 6
What process is used when a bat looks for prey
What is the life span of a mayflay
12 hours
This super hero is known as the dark knight
This film won the Best Picture Oscar in 2003, becoming the first fantasy film to do so.
The Lord of the rings
Who is Johnny hockey
Johnny gaudreau
What 2 mammals lay eggs
Platypus and echidans
How many eyes does a honey bee have