This greenhouse gas, primarily from cows, contributes to climate change.
What is methane?
This practice avoids chemical fertilizers and pesticides to protect the environment.
What is organic farming?
This term describes neighborhoods with limited access to healthy food.
What is a food desert?
This technology allows farmers to monitor soil moisture and plant health remotely.
What are drones?
Scientists are using this technology to create drought-resistant crops.
What is genetic modification (GMOs)?
Name one way industrial agriculture harms the environment.
What is deforestation / soil degradation / water pollution?
Cover crops help prevent this type of soil loss.
What is erosion?
People without enough food to eat are experiencing this.
What is food insecurity?
Scientists are developing these plant-based alternatives to meat.
What are lab-grown meat / plant-based protein?
These insects may become a common protein source in the future.
What are crickets / edible insects?
This farming method stores carbon in the soil and reduces climate change.
What is regenerative agriculture?
What is hydroponics?
Farmers from this racial group in the U.S. have historically been denied land access.
Who are Black Farmers?
This farming technique allows crops to grow in cities using stacked layers.
What is vertical farming?
This process turns food waste into nutrient-rich soil.
What is composting?
Rising temperatures and extreme weather make it harder to do this important farming task.
What is growing food?
This type of farming mimics natural ecosystems for sustainability.
What is agroecology?
This movement fight for equal access to healthy, fresh, and culturally appropriate food.
What is food justice?
Farmers use this technique to naturally reduce pests instead of pesticides
What is integrated pest management (IPM)?
Urban farms in cities help reduce this major environmental problem linked to food transportation
What is carbon footprint?
This global crisis is making food harder to grow and more expensive.
What is climate change?
The United Nations promotes this farming method to support long-term food production.
What is sustainable agriculture?
This federal program helps low-income families buy food.
What is SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)?
This AI-powered tool helps farmers make better decisions about crops and soil health
What is precision agriculture?
This term describes a food system that meets current needs without harming future generations.
What is food sustainability?