This astronaut lived on the ISS for a total of 340 days, coordinated the search for debris from the Columbia explosion, and served as NASA's director of operations in Russia after his first spaceflight. His twin brother is a naval test pilot and astronaut.
Who is Scott Kelly?
This football player became associated with the phrase “If it [the glove] doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
Who is OJ Simpson?
This ill-fated NASA crew intended to touch down on the moon, but due to a mid-flight collision, it returned to Earth early without a lunar landing.
What is Apollo 13, ft Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert
This athlete stars in Space Jam, played professional baseball (badly), and played with the Chicago Bulls alongside Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman (bad boy icon). His brand revolutionized the landscape of sponsorships for athletes, and his shoe is called this.
What is Air Jordans?
This rocket delivered astronauts and cargo to the ISS when the United States did not have its own crewed launch capability (because we cut the shuttle program).
What is The Soyuz Rocket?
This Serbian athlete is the NBA’s only back to back to back MVP. He is known as Big Honey and loves horses.
Who is Nikola Jokic?
This astronaut double majored in Physics and English Lit, and would’ve become a tennis pro if not for their backhand.
Notable accomplishment: Served as a member of the commission investigating the Challenger and Columbia tragedies, the only person to serve on both boards.
Who is Sally Ride?
This athlete is a former professional baseball and football player. He is the only professional athlete in history to be named an All-Star in two major North American sports, and this was his catchphrase in a Nike ad campaign.
What is Bo Knows?
This city is the center of human spaceflight in Russia. It features a large statue of Yuri Gagarin, astronaut training facilities, and living accommodations for international astronauts and mission support professionals.
What is Star City?