She became Jesus’ disciple after 7 demons were cast out by Him.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
I lead my family into the wilderness because of a vision of Jerusalem’s destruction and also saw the vision of the Tree of Life.
Who is Lehi?
This year and places is where the First Vision occured to a 14-year-old boy praying to know which church was true
What is 1820 Palmyra, New York?
This is the first temple built by the early saints where the sealing power was restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey.
What is the Kirtland Temple?
I was commanded by god to smite off Laban’s head with his own sword in order to obtain the Brass Plates.
Who is Nephi?
This is the sea where the disciples crossed during a storm and saw Jesus walk on water and also Peter.
What is the Sea of Galilee?
I have a song with the words, “I will go, I will do, the things the lord commands.” Written for my obedience to god as a young man.
Who is Nephi?
In 1838 the missouri government issued an order against the saints causing them to leave and seek refuge in Illinois.
What is “The Extermination Order”?
This temple started construction after the Salt Lake temple, but was completed before it, making it the 3rd temple built by the early saints.
What is the Saint George Temple?
I was called on a mission among the lamanites and served King Lamoni. I protected his sheep from robbers cutting off all their arms.
Who is Ammon?
He was a Publican(tax collector) before being called as an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Who is Matthew?
I lead armies righteously and created the title of liberty "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children."
Who is Captain Moroni?
This was the second prophet of the church who was not Joseph’s son, because the prophet’s were not decided by blood, but called of God.
Who was Brigham Young?
This was the first temple built outside of the United States, completed in 1923, dedicated by Heber J Grant.
What is the Cardston Alberta, Canada Temple?
I was commanded to build barges to travel to the promised land, I also saw the lords finger touch stones to provide us light in the dark barges.
Who is the Brother of Jared?
She stopped Jesus on his way to heal a 12-year-old girl, who died as a result and was raised from the dead.
Who is the woman with the issue of blood?
I wrote a very short book in the Book of Mormon continuing the history as I was commanded.
Who is Omni?
In 1880 this practice was renounced by Wilford Woodruff and later would become a huge controversy to people in the latter-days.
What is polygamy?
There are this many operating, or being renovated(like Salt Lake) Temples in Utah as of 2025.
What is 23 Temples?
I was a wicked man on a mission to destroy the church when I was visited by an angel where I was struck dumb for my rebellion, later resulting in a change of heart and a life of good missionary work.
Who is Alma the Younger?
This was the first miracle Jesus performed during a wedding in Cana.
What is Turning Water to Wine?
I preached repentance to King Noah and his priests, telling of the coming of Jesus Christ, and was later executed by being burned.
Who is Abinadi?
I was the first person called to serve a mission and spread the gospel in the restored church in Palmyra, New York resulting in some of the first converts to the church.
Who is Samuel Smith?
This is the % of the 335 temples that were announced by our current Prophet Russell M. Nelson.
What is 46%(153) Temples?
I was a former Priest of King Noah who became a prophet after repentance. I was influenced by Abinadi and his teaching before he was executed.
Who is Alma the Elder?