Cody‘s nickname
2 inch
What did JR do to Baby T and told his grandma because it’s funny
His uncle Ricardo
probably didn’t spell his name, right
Who is one girl jr dont shut up about
Nicole Sonnys
What did West say when he eats Popeyes?
The food is hot
Who is the babes the boys talk to
Who said I look good from this angle
Bob Barry
What is Baby T‘s nickname?
Mr. swinger
It’s all about the game and blank
How do you pay it
What 2 game made the most arguments?
Wwe Fortnite
What could AJ never do?
Take pictures
what show was Cody watching when he stopped dealing with us for a month?
How I Met you mom
Who is not gypsy?
Why is Baby T’s nickname Mr. swinger
Because he hits too many bats
What did Mason do to AJ in that one? Funny video
Headlock and Nugie
Who does Baby t like more of his mom Dad or Mason?