Wild Card
Historical Documents and Policy

In this type of government, governmental power is shared between a central government and a local government.

Federalist / Federalism


This type of policy deals with issues within a country's borders.

Domestic Policy


In what speech did George Washington warn the country against forming political parties and permanent foreign alliances?

What is Washington's Farewell Address?


This law is one of 4 that criminalized speech criticizing the government.

Sedition Act


This Supreme Court Case gives the Supreme Court the power of judicial review?

Marbury V Madison


These are powers of the government that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution, but are necessary to carry out the Constitution's expressed powers. 

Implied powers


This type of foreign policy is characterized by the desire to add territory to one's country and/or control other countries completely.



What was Washington's type of foreign policy?

Isolationism / Neutrality


These documents were passed in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts and states the idea that states can reject federal laws they believe are unconstitutional. 

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


This supreme court case ruling supported the constitutionality of implied powers and constitutionality of a national bank.

McCulloch V Maryland


What happened to the powers and authority of the federal government under the Marshall Court?

The power of the federal government grew.

This type of foreign policy is characterized by the desire to stay out of the affairs of other countries and not allow other countries to impact one's own country.



During the French Revolution approximately 20% of the population would be arrested for "being a bad citizen" and many people would be executed. What was this time period called?

The Reign of Terror

This is the idea that states can reject federal laws they believe are unconstitutional.

Nullification Doctrine


This interpretation of the Constitution sees the document as limiting the powers of the federal government and does not agree that implied powers and the national bank are valid. 



President Adams was called this word, which means whiny and grumpy.



Article 1 Section 8 gives Congress the power to pass laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out the Constitution's expressed powers and is called the Necessary and Proper Clause.  This nickname references how the clause stretches the powers of the federal government.

What is the Elastic Clause?

This event proved the US, under the new Constitution, could and would enforce its laws.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


This is the status of US and French foreign diplomacy when Adams was president in which France felt the US was breaking their alliance from the Rev. War and aiding the British by trading with them.  It was one reason the Federalists felt they needed to stop public criticism of the US government. In particular criticism from Democratic Republicans.

The Quasi War with France


This is an example of Jefferson going against his beliefs about the power of the federal government.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


The US realized that it could not be neutral and safe after getting caught between France and the United Kingdom in their conflict.  Therefore, the US decided to do this?

What is building its army and navy?


Washington warned against these two things in his Farewell Address.

What are:

1. No permanent alliances

2. No political parties


This precedent set by Washington was adhered to by every president with the exception of Franklin D Roosevelt.  After FDR, it would be ensured in a constitutional amendment.

What is only serving 2 terms.


This event caused some Americans to call for war with their former ally when American ambassadors were met by 3 French officials asking for money before arranging a meeting with the Emperor to discuss maritime wrongs perpetrated by the French navy.

X,Y, Z Affair


This is a US law passed in December 1807, prohibited American ships from trading in foreign ports, aiming to pressure Britain and France to respect American neutrality during the Napoleonic Wars, but ultimately failed and hurt the US economy.

What is the The Embargo Act of 1807?