what did Gos use to create everything?
He made everything out of nothing by simply speaking.
what was created on day 4?
lights in the sky: the sun, moon, stars, and planets
why do we have sin and death in the world today since when God created the universe, everything was very good?
sin and death entered the world when Adam sinned. it was the consequence of disobeying God.
when were dinosaurs created?
what are two ways people can be a good steward of God's creation and two ways people take being a good steward over God's creation too far?
various answers, ex. when they worship the creation instead of the creator.
what is the Hebrew word for 24-hour?
what was created on day 5?
sea creatures and flying creatures
when and where was the first death?
the first death occurred in the garden of Eden when God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him.
what can we read in the Bible to show us more information that indicated that dinosaurs and dragons lived alongside man?
God describes dinosaurs and dragons int he Bible, including the book of Job - Behemoth, a Hugh sauropod type dinosaur and leviathan, a fire breathing sea creature.
what kinds of cycles has God promised to continue related to the earth's temperature?
seasons, hot and cold, night and day
name the seven c's of history in order
Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation
the evolutionary view says that reptiles evolved before birds. which does the Bible say was created first?
birds were created first
what did the first blood sacrifice - that would come many years later - point to?
it pointed to Jesus; the Messiah would come to die on the cross fro forgiveness of sins.
how do we know that the earth is about 6,000 years old?
the genealogies in Genesis give us enough information to know that there were about 2,000 years between Adam and Abraham. there were 2,000 years between Abraham and Jesus. and it's been about 2,000 years since Jesus lived. add those together, and you get an age of about 6,000 years old.
name at least 2 things that make mankind different from animals?
God made mankind in His images. man can have a relationship with God. God created man to reflect portions of his attributes. man was given dominion over the earth.
what would you have to do to get the biblical view of creation events to line up with the evolutionary view of events?
you would have to drastically rearrange the order of events - change what the Bible says
when you compare the biblical order of creation to the evolutionary view, how many things match up?
what attribute did God display when He covered the sin of Adam with a sacrificial animal instead of killing him right away?
God is merciful.
what is one way we can know that radiometric dating is a flawed dating method?
rocks of known ages have been dated much older than they are. Or, the dates designee with the Bible.
Name at least tow differences between the evolutionary view of the origin of man and the Biblical view of the creation of man?
Evolutionary view - man evolved from apelike creatures over a long span of time. man was not made in God's image. man is a highly evolved animal.
Biblical view - man was created on day 6 from the dust, and woman from Adam's rib by a loving Creator. man made by God in his image. man is a special creation of God made in the image of God/not an animal.