At what event did Jesus perform a miracle by turning water into wine?
a wedding
Because it was crowded, what did Jesus preach from
a boat
Where was Jesus baptized
Jordan River
How many jars of water did Jesus turn into wine?
After preaching, what did Jesus tell Simon Peter to do?
go out into the deep water and put down his nets to fish
Who baptized Jesus
John the Baptist
Who asked Jesus to help with the problem at the wedding feast?
His mother Mary
Who was Simon Peter's fishing partner
Andrew, and James and John
What did God the Father say at Jesus baptism?
This is My beloved Son, with Him I am well pleased
Who did Jesus bring with Him to the wedding?
His disciples
In what sea did Jesus help his disciples to catch a large number of fish as he called them to be his disciples?
Galilee or Gennesaret
What happened to Jesus after his baptism (where did Jesus go)
He went into the wilderness and was tempted
What did Peter do after Jesus caused them to catch a large number of fish?
Fell down at Jesus' feet and asked Jesus to go away from him
How did Jesus resist temptation
he quoted scripture