Yemen is which direction from Saudi Arabia?
The right to rule over a region after WWI
I convinced Arabs to join the British in WWI
Lawrence of Arabia
The first leader of Israel
David Ben Gurion
This country owned Palestine during WWI
Ottoman Empire
Jordan is what direction from Israel?
A Palestinian uprising
I was the Roman Emperor who converted to Christianity and helped fuel hatred of Jews
The leader of Egypt who signed the Camp David Accords
Anwar Sadat
This British Declaration said Jews would be given a state in the Middle East
Balfour Declaration
Lebanon is what direction from Israel
The desire for Jews to return to Israel
I brokered Peace at Camp David
Jimmy Carter
The leader of Israel who signed the Oslo Accords
Yitzhak Rabin
This treaty said the French and the British would carve up the Middle East between themselves
Sykes-Picot Teaty
Qatar is what direction from Sudan?
What does al nakba mean?
"the castastrophe"
I brokered Peace between the PLO and Israel
Bill Clinton
The leader of Israel at Camp David
Menachem Begin
This book was written by Theodore Herzl
Der Judenstaat
Iran is what direction from Afghanistan?
What did Palestinians describe as "al nakba"?
The creation of Israel
I was the leader of the PLO who signed the Oslo Accords
Yassar Arafat
The leader of Egypt who took back the Suez Canal
Gamal Abdel Nassar
This Jewish French military officer was wrongly convicted of spying