Bus stops
Tyler system

The tile on your dashboard will help you find students who are newly enrolled and need to be assigned to a bus stop

What is 'Students missing important info' tile


Show or describe how to add time on PM runs so they depart the school at the correct time

Click on school stop on run, add custom stops description to include school name and time bus should depart school, add wait time


This feature that lets you add a personal note on your Tyler home screen

What is Notes


Show or describe how to create a new run

Advanced routing, runs, add a new run, select criteria, schedule, school. Add start and end dates, modify days of week if needed.


This is when Synovia & Here Comes The Bus will no longer be active (GPS will be removed from buses)

March 28

Removal & new installs over spring break


Show or describe how to find Dowling students who reside in the walk zone

Student list, filter to Dowling school, Dowling walk zone in boundary


Show or describe how to adjust the pick up/drop off corner for a bus stop

click on bus stop on run, use corner icon on top right, select correct corner from drop down list


Describe what ‘Program’ means

HOW students are transported


Show us two ways to add stops to a run

Under the run, use green bar on left side of screen to add an existing stop to a run, reorder stop as needed

Using map tools, select create new stop and click on map. Edit fields as needed.


This is the 1st session of school that will be routed using Tyler Tech

Summer school


Show or describe the fastest way to assign Dowling students in the walk zone to walker status

Correctly filtered list, actions drop down, batch edit, editable fields is non-transport reason, walk zone


This is what ASR stands for

Assigns stops, runs


These are the 4 programs we created in Tyler

General transportation

Special transportation

Boundary Exempt

No Transport 


Describe what the ‘Optimize’ feature does (found on the run editing page)

Keeps the 1st and last stop in place, then reorders bus stops and run path to be most efficient


This is how Katee feels about paper route copies



Using Armatage 2 IN, show or describe how to add students to an existing stop

select students on map, use drop down to assign/move to a stop on run


Describe what ‘All Classes’ means for a bus stop. When do you not want to label a stop as ‘All Classes’?

All classes mean all groups of students can be assigned to a bus stop. 

House stops should not be marked as All Classes


Describe what ‘School of Residence’ means

A school that is based on the student's home address and school enrollment boundary, depending on the student's grade


Describe what the ‘Recalculate’ feature does (found on the run editing page)

Updates the driver directions or run path because the map has been changed


This is what CSP stands for



Show or describe how to add an alternate address for a student

student record, schedules, split, modify days of week and select existing bus stop. (or create new bus stop, then use to assign student)


The tool that is used to create a bus loop or draw a drivable path that’s not currently on the map

What is map editing, using the draw tool.


The name of the parent GPS app that will replace Here Comes the Bus

What is My Ride K-12


This tile on your dashboard will help you know what runs have a change due to a map update. 

Bonus- what do we do with runs that are on this list

Runs affected by network update

Actions drop down, batch recalculate


This is one piece of information that is displayed on the driver tablets as they’re on a route

map with directional line

student names at bus stops

run with bus stop locations and times

current time

number of students currently on the bus