The code of conduct with which knights and nobles adhered
What is chivalry
This is the term for the period in English history before the Norman Conquest, which saw the rise of kingdoms like Wessex and Mercia
What is Anglo-Saxon England?
This is the term for the peasant class whose status was tied to a manor
What is a serf?
This is the nickname given to William I, the first of the Norman kings of England.
What is "the Conqueror"?
This term describes the social, economic, and military relationship between a lord and his vassals in medieval Europe
What is Feudalism?
This Viking leader, known as the “Great Heathen Army,” invaded Anglo-Saxon England in the 9th century and fought against Alfred the Great.
What is Ivar the Boneless?
This noble pledged their loyalty (usually a King) to another noble in exchange for land
What is a vassal?
This is the name for the small territory around Paris which belonged to the Capetian kings
What is Ile-de-France?
The agricultural laborers who were bound to the land and worked for the lords in the feudal system
What is the knights, clergy, and peasants?
This law code, created by King Ethelbert of Kent, is one of the earliest known Anglo-Saxon legal documents
What is the Code of Ethelbert?