Who were the two main opponents of the Greco-Persian Wars
Greece, Persia
Who were the two main powers that fought?
Athens, Sparta
Who fought each other in the Punic Wars?
Rome, Carthage
What was the warring states in china?
About 500 years of civil war
What general turned dictator was assassinated by the Liberators?
Julius Caesar
Why did the war start
Persians wanted revenge after the Ionian Revolt
How was Sparta finally able to conquer the seas?
They enlisted the help of persia
Who won these wars?
What does the word Mesopotamia mean? What is it referring to?
Between rivers, Tigris & Euphrates
What general took elephants through the Alps?
Hannibal Barca
Why did the Greeks lose the battle of Thermopylae?
The black plague
What were they fighting over in the 1st War?
What king unifies lower and upper egypt?
What general is said to have never lost a battle?
Alexander the Great
What were the three main battle of the war?
In regards to the military, what was athens good at? what was sparta good at?
Sparta: land
Athens: Naval
What were the names of the generals who faced off in Zama?
Scipio Africanus, Hannibal Barca
When did Rome fall?
476 AD
What was the world first Emperor?
Sargon 1
Who was the king at the start of the conflict?
Darius 1
Who won the Peloponnesian Wars?
What was the strategy that cut off food and supply lines?
Fabian Strategy
What three factors led to the fall of the Byzantine Empire?
Money, Black Plague, Cannons
What two names does the first Roman Emperor go by?
Augustus, Octavian