What country was she born in?
Marie Curie discovered this radioactive element, named after her homeland.
What is Polonium?
Marie Curie’s discoveries helped develop this type of therapy used to treat cancer.
What is radiotherapy?
Marie Curie was the first woman to ever win this prestigious award.
Nobel Price
Curie moved to this country to study and conduct her research.
What is France?
Along with Pierre Curie, Marie discovered this glowing radioactive element.
What is Radium?
During World War I, Curie developed portable X-ray machines called this.
What are “Petites Curies” or “Little Curies”?
Marie Curie is still the only person to win Nobel Prizes in these two different fields.
What are Physics and Chemistry?
Marie Curie was the first female professor at what school?
The Sorbonne
Marie Curie coined this term to describe the energy released by radioactive elements.
What is radioactivity
The radiation discovered by Marie Curie is now used in hospitals to take these kinds of images.
What are X-rays?
This one of Marie Curie’s daughters followed in her footsteps and also won a Nobel Prize.
Who is Irène Joliot-Curie?
This was the name of Marie Curie’s husband, who was also a scientist.
Who is Pierre Curie?
The Curies won their first Nobel Prize in this field of science.
What is Physics?
The work of Marie Curie contributed to the understanding of this kind of radiation, used in nuclear medicine today.
What is ionizing radiation?
In honor of her work, this radioactive element was named after her.
What is Curium?
Marie Curie passed away due to prolonged exposure to this.
Marie Curie later won a second Nobel Prize in this field.
What is Chemistry?
The element Radium was once used in this type of medical treatment but was later stopped due to health risks.
What is radium therapy?
Marie Curie’s notebooks are still radioactive and are stored in lead-lined boxes at this famous French library.
What is the Bibliothèque Nationale de France?