what does the law provide?
several types of restraining
orders to protect victims from domestic violence
Peace officer have the responsibility of...
verifying the existence of restraining orders when requested by a complainant
What is emergency protective Orders.
Is an order issued by a judicial officer upon request by a peace officer under
what must officers have to make an arrest?
probable cause
Cobra Kai Netflix
Who won the Sekai Taikai Tournament
Miguel and Tory
Penal Code for violating a restraining order
whats is CLETS
A database that peace officers use to verify restraining orders.
What is the family Code Section?
6250- the purpose of immediate protection of a child who is/ are in danger of abuse by a family or household member.
what is 273.6(d)
Willful violation of orders with prior restraining order conviction involving violence or credible threat is a felony
Who killed Thanos
True or False?
They fully provide a barrier of protection for victims and they do not give peace officers the ability to act if the order is violated
Emergency Protective orders are valid for?
5 business days or 7 calendar days.
EPO protects what?
protects a person who is in immediate and present danger of domestic violence
what crime is violating a restraining order?
The Avengers
Who becomes the new Captain America?
The Falcon
why are restraining orders issued?
to protect the
victim from the batterer
what FAMILY CODE is - Proof of service or prior knowledge of the order by the batterer
(Family Code Section 6383)
EPO is valid for how many days?
only for 5 business days
what is 273.6(a)
Knowing and willful violation of an order, and harassment statue with no prior convictions is a misdemeanor
Guess the movie
Beauty and the Beast
what do court orders stop?
the batterer from
having contact,beating threatening,or harassing the
victim and those living with them
existing restraining order should have? ( at least three)
court stamp
• case control number
expiration date
person(s) to be protected
• person to be restrained
• judge’s signature
• proof of service
finish the sentence
Peace officers should request an EPO when.......
when they believe it is necessary to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of domestic violence, child abuse, child abduction, stalking or elder abuse.
if the protected party invites the batter back into their house has the batter violated the court order?
Guess the movie Disney