Trade and Agriculture
Politics and Economy
Social Life and Treatment
Societal Change
Random Things From Other Chapters

Name one specific group of people in Africa that benefitted from the new integration of Africa into the global network of exchange during colonial rule.

Burmese rice farmers and West African cocoa farmers


How long were all native Africans required to do "statue labor"?

10-12 days a year


What did Europeans refer to African men as?



How many hours did women start working on their farms/homes after men left to work in the colonial cities?

46-70 hours per week


Who jumpstarted the Protestant Reformation by publishing their Theses?

Martin Luther


Name the cash crop that Africa became the world's leading supplier of by 1911.



What were 2 jobs that the lower, laboring class of Africans found in colonial cities?

Factory workers, construction workers, food sellers, domestic servants, prostitutes, and rickshaw drivers


Name one place of employment Africans migrated to work after their land was taken by the imperialists.

European-owned plantations, mines, construction projects, and homes.


Did Africa ever have a formal Industrial Revolution/breakthrough like Europe?



Which type of Muslim were the Ottoman Turks and the Safavids?

Ottomans were Sunni, Safavids were Shia

What was the main reason farmers started growing more cash crops and less crops for subsistence?

They needed money for taxes, school fees, and other foreign goods.


Why did the term "Tribal Africa" help the Europeans during their expansion into Africa?

It was a way to lump different ethnic groups together and identify all Africans as one group of people. This supported their idea of Social Darwinism and that the African societies were primitive and uncivilized so they needed European intervention.


How did Europeans "civilize" African culture?

They taught Western history and Christianity. They also introduced modern administration and bureaucracy, communication methods, transportation infrastructure (railroads, motorways, ports, etc), and healthcare provisions.


Name one idea/event/progression that changed Africa substantially.

Answers may vary


What was the name of the Aztec capital city overthrown by Hernán Cortés and start of the Spanish Mesoamerican Empire?



What happened to African trade merchants after colonialism?

They were squeezed out of both foreign and domestic trade by European commercial countries.


Why did Europeans want to make race separation a law rather than a normalized feature of society?

In some places where there was a lot of European-African interaction, Europeans had racial fears and wanted to "protect themselves" against Africans by making a new racial law system of segregation.

How did Social Darwinism come about/develop?

Europeans thought they were the superior race of people and it was their civic duty to "civilize" and "modernize" the other "inferior" races such as the Africans.


Name one colony Africans migrated to (inside Africa) to find work after the Slave Trade died.

Algeria, Kenya, Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), and South Africa


Who overthrew the Mongols?

The Ming Dynasty