The organelle where photosynthesis takes place.
What is the chloroplast?
The equation for aerobic respiration in words.
What is glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water?
The word equation for anaerobic respiration in animals.
What is glucose → lactic acid?
The reason breathing rate increases during exercise.
What is to take in more oxygen and remove more carbon dioxide?
The name of the type of reproduction that produces identical offspring.
What is asexual reproduction?
The word equation for photosynthesis.
What is carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen?
The type of energy transferred by respiration.
What is chemical energy (stored in ATP)?
The reason anaerobic respiration occurs during vigorous exercise.
What is because oxygen cannot be supplied to muscles fast enough?
The reason heart rate increases during exercise.
What is to deliver more oxygen and glucose to muscle cells?
The type of structure found in graphite that allows it to conduct electricity.
What is layers of carbon atoms with delocalised electrons?
The reason farmers use paraffin heaters in greenhouses.
What is to increase carbon dioxide levels and temperature?
The organelle where aerobic respiration takes place.
What is the mitochondrion?
The word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast.
What is glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide?
The two places where lactic acid is broken down after exercise.
What are the liver and blood?
The reason increasing temperature speeds up a chemical reaction.
What is because particles have more energy, leading to more frequent and successful collisions?
The factor that limits photosynthesis at night.
What is light intensity?
The reason respiration is exothermic.
What is because it releases energy?
The commercial use of anaerobic respiration in yeast.
What is fermentation to make bread and alcoholic drinks?
The effect of regular aerobic exercise on the heart.
What is it increases the size and strength of the heart muscle?
Although alpha radiation has low penetration, it is highly dangerous inside the body for this reason.
What is because it is highly ionising and can cause severe cell damage and mutations?
The specific adaptation of root hair cells that allows them to absorb more water for photosynthesis.
What is a large surface area?
The reason muscle cells contain more mitochondria than skin cells.
What is because they require more energy for contraction?
The term for the extra oxygen needed to remove lactic acid after exercise.
What is oxygen debt?
The way glucose is stored in muscles before being used in respiration.
What is as glycogen?
A form of radiation in which atoms loses 2 in the atomic number and 4 in atomic mass
What is alpha radiation