What is the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians.
Gun control act
what is a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep in bear arms shall not be infringed.
The 2nd amendment
What is the volume or book number in the DC v. Heller, 554 US 570 2008 case
Did the court's decision effect the lives and safety of people today.
Where did Geno Smith go?
Las Vegas Raiders
What state would you keep a gun in until ready to use.
According to the Pew Research Center 48% of gun owners say this is the main reason the own a gun
Self defense
What is the page number in the DC v. Heller case 554 US 570 (2008)
How long did it take for the court to make their decision
100 Days
What is the name of my dog?
Where should gun owners store guns to prevent accidents or thefts of guns
A gun safe
Can concealed weapons be regulated according to the 2nd amendment?
Yes because of McDonald v City of Chicago
What amendment comes into play in this case
What was the courts decision
The citizens have the right to bear arms
What team did D.K Metcalf go to?
The Steelers.
What percentage of guns are used for self defense
under the 2nd Amendment can laws limit felons possess firearms
Yes because McDonald v City of Chicago
What right was Heller seeking in the DC v. Heller case
Th be able to keep an operable gun at his home for self defense.
What was the final vote in the case?
A 5-4 decision
Who was the coach of the Patriots last year?
Jerod Mayo.
How much more likely is it to be killed by a gun in the U.S compared to other countries
10x more likely
What has been the unintended outcome of DC v. Heller
Many people have been challenging gun laws around the country
What did the US supreme court hold in the DC v. Heller case
Struck down on the District of Columbia ban on handgun possession
Which justice made the deciding vote
Antonin Scalia
What linebacker from the raiders did the Patriots get?
Robert Spilane