Name That Fallacy!
Spot the Flaw!

This fallacy attacks a person's character instead of the argument.

What is Ad Hominem? 


"Because of the meat industry's detrimental impact to the environment, we can't trust Dr. Lee's climate study because she eats meat.Clearly she doesn't care about the climate at all."

What is Ad Hominem?


This fallacy presents only the good evidence, ignoring the bad.

What is Stacking the Deck?


"If we allow phones in school, kids will never learn to focus, which will have a detrimental effect on their success as a college student!"

What is Slippery Slope?


This fallacy distracts from the argument with an unrelated topic

What is Red Herring?


"Everyone's investing in this company, so you should too!"

What is Bandwagon?


This fallacy assumes something is true just because it hasn't been proven false.

What is Appeal to Ignorance?


"This policy has been in place for the last 20 years, so there is no need to change it now."

What is Appeal to Tradition?


This fallacy insists there's only two options when there are more.

What is False Dilemma/Either-Or?

A: I think we should explore multiple sources of energy. 

B: Absolutely not. Renewable energy is the only ethical choice moving forward-- anything else will not even be considered or debated. 

What is Dogmatism?