This country, found between the Indian and Pacific oceans, is the most populous Muslim-majority country in the world:
What is Indonesia?
Canada officially became a country in this year following the passing of the British North America Act:
What is 1867?
How many times do muslims pray in a day?
What is 5?
How old was Prophet Muhammad when he received his first revelation?
What is 40?
Which name of Allah translates to "the most merciful"?
What is Ar-Rahman/Raheem?
Found in Jerusalem, this place is considered the third-holiest site in Islam:
What is Al-Aqsa Mosque?
The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg on April 15 of this year:
What is 1912?
How many gods do muslims worship?
What is 1?
What prophet was given the Torah?
Who is Musa (AS)?
What percent of your wealth goes to zakat (charity)?
What is 2.5%
The Middle East’s largest nation by land area is this country:
What is Saudi Arabia?
In 1989 this barrier fell, an event that many consider the symbolic end of the Cold War:
What is The Berlin Wall?
This holiday/celebration marks the end of Ramadan:
What is Eid?
Which prayer is prayed only twice a year?
What is Eid prayer?
Name 3 drinks of Jannah (paradise):
What is wine, milk, water?
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizm, the founder of algebra, was from this country:
What is Iraq (Persia)?
In 1215, this document that limited the powers of the English king was signed:
What is The Magna Carta?
Which city do muslims pray towards?
What is Mecca?
Which Surah (chapter) does not begin with Bismillah (in the name of Allah)?
What is Surah At-Tawbah
Name the four main schools of thought (madhabs) in Islam:
What is Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanafi, Hanbali?
This Spanish region was home to most of the Muslim rule in Spain and still has Islamic architectural influences today:
What is Andalusia?
It was in this year that the attack on Pearl Harbour occurred, prompting the United States to enter into the Second World War:
What is 1941?
Which calendar do muslims follow?
What is the Lunar (Hijri) Calendar?
What was the previous name for Medina?
What is Yathrib?
How many times do you say the shahada in a day AT LEAST?
What is 9 times?