What is an independent clause and what is a dependent clause?
Independent: Stand alone, complete thought
Dependent: Relies on additional information to complete it
Add the missing comma(s)
I went to Paris France.
I went to Paris, France.
Is this a colon or a semicolon?
Is the following a simple sentence?
In the woods.
Which pattern does a compound sentence use?
Identify the independent clause(s):
In fifth grade, I broke my hyoid bone.
I broke my hyoid bone.
Add the missing comma(s)
Last year I went snowshoeing in Juno Alaska.
Last year, I went snowshoeing in Juno, Alaska.
Fill in the blank:
Donny ate 14 pounds of butter last night __ he threw up this morning.
Fix the sentence:
The capibara waddled around the house
The capibara waddled around the house.
What's missing from the sentence to make it a compound sentence:
I studied all night, I didn't pass the exam.
Identify the dependent clause(s):
When I went to Russia, I got arrested by two penguins disguised as a sheep, in the wee hours of the morning.
When I went to Russia, in the wee hours of the morning
Add the comma(s):
Mr. Schultz went to check out a big spacious house that had tall arching ceilings in Algonquin Illinois.
Mr. Schultz went to check out a big, spacious house that had tall, arching ceilings in Algonquin, Illinois.
Fill in the blank:
My grocery list includes __ carrots, rabbit's foot, rack of lamb, and a box of gummy cigars so I can look tough.
Is this a simple sentence?
The octopus and the caterpillar leapt and twirled.
Is the following a compound sentence?
I like painting because it's fun.
Identify the independent AND dependent clause(s):
When summer comes, I'm going to cry because I'll no longer be in English 9.
Independent: I'm going to cry
Dependent When summer comes, I'll no longer be in English 9
Fix the sentence:
I like, to eat Flaming Hot Cheetos 14 Crunchwrap, Supremes and one mini corndog while drowning my sorrows in Mountain Dew.
I like, to eat Flaming Hot Cheetos, 14 Crunchwrap Supremes, and one mini corndog, all while drowning my sorrows in a barrel of melted butter
Fill in the blank:
The reason is simple __ I said so.
The reason is simple: I said so.
Create a simple sentence about your favorite hobby.
Identify the verb(s):
I finished my homework, and then I went to bed.
finished, went
Identify the independent AND dependent clause(s):
Since it's raining, I went for a hike, while my brother practiced water bending because he didn't want to get wet.
Independent: I went for a hike, my brother practiced water bending
Dependent: Since it's raining, he didn't want to get wet
Fix the sentence:
I recently bought a house, that I'm going to fill with, Takis, Coca-Cola Apple Juice 16 flat, screen TVs and a shrine for Danny DeVito.
I recently bought a house that I'm going to fill with Takis, Coca-Cola, apple juice, 16 flat screen TVs, and a shrine for Danny DeVito.
Fill in the blanks:
I've traveled to many cities __ Paris, France __ London, England __ Tokyo, Japan __ and Moscow, Russia.
I've traveled to many cities: Paris, France; London, England; Tokyo, Japan; and Moscow, Russia.
Create a simple sentence that includes a subject, a verb, and an object.
Create your own compound sentence using a compound subject.