Who was once believed to be a more promising player than Peter.
Robbie Holts
How many kids did Peter and Kira have?
3 Kids
Who vouches for Amat so that he can play for David.
How did Maya and Ana meet?
Maya fell into the lake at night and Ana saved her.
Who cries at the end of this chapter and why?
Amats mom, she sees her son playing with the Junior team.
Who is Isak?
Isak was Peter and Kira
How did Peter and Kira meet? What did Peter do that made Kira fall for him.
After they’d won silver, the team had gone out to dinner at a small, family-run restaurant. Kira was tending bar. Peter cried in front of her, she knew a man who worried about disappointing the people he loved would become a good father.
Why does Amat want to hang out with Zacharias on the weekend and what does he want to do?
Zacharias wants to play videogames but Amat wants to go outside and hopefully bump into Maya.
What does Maya love about Ana?
Maya loves the way Ana is a “jagged, hundred-sided peg” who has always refused to fit into the communities mold.
Why does peter collect records?
While Peter was at home with Isak, in Canada, who was sick, he was unable to calm the baby. After putting on a record, the baby became calm.
Jeannettes students have always been told “that they’re bears, winners, immortal.” why might this be a problem?
The hockey players are expected to dominate even in the classroom, and it’s her problem if she can’t adjust. Jeannette observes the problem with this mindset that it will inevitably overflow into other areas of life, too.
What setback with his career did Peter face in Canada. How did this affect Peter and Kira.
He broke his foot and had to work back up from the farm league. Six minutes into his fifth game, he’d fallen and not gotten back up. Nine operations later, a doctor told Kira that Peter would never be able to play again Peter "Drifted aimlessly".
What happens to Amat in this chapter that suprises him. What might this foreshadow?
David gives him a chance to play with the Juniors, but foreshadows a rift between Amat and Zach as Zach sits in the stands and watches him.
What is Maya worried is happening to Ana?
Maya is worried that Ana is being "sandpapered" to fit society.
Why does Kira always call Peter?
Why does Jeanette try to hit Benji in the headmasters office? What does this interaction tell us about Benji?
Benji teased her and called her "sweet cheeks", so she tries to hit him but is grabbed by the headmaster. He knows he can get away with things because hes on the hockey team which leads him to look down on others.
"We're not supposed to develop 'products.'", who is this quote from and what does it say about the town as a whole.
Peter, shows a shift from the towns hockey approach from one of nurturing and fostering character as well as winning to one of fostering only winning.
What does Kevin ask Amat before their first practice together? What does this foreshadow?
Kevin asks Amat whether Maya has a boyfriend.
What does the quote, “we become what we are told we are” mean in the context of Maya and Ana.
“we become what we are told we are,” and Ana has always been told that she’s “wrong.”
What does Bobo do in the locker room to mess with Amat?
He rips pieces of tape and drops them on the ground while mocking him and his mother.
"Do you know what happens to coal if you apply enough pressure to it, Peter? It turns into diamonds." Is a quote stated by the club president at the start of chapter 9. What/who an example of this being untrue?
Robbie Holts
At work, if she does everything right, things generally go as planned. But even if she does everything right as a mother, bad things can still happen to her children.
What does this mean?
Kira is haunted by past losses as a parent.
What do the Juniors do that causes Amat to almost quit hockey. How does his mom respond?
They threw Amats clothes into a shower and tore up his shoes. “You might be playing with bears. But that doesn’t mean you have to forget that you’re a lion.”