River mentioned most often in the Bible
The Jordan
Roman ruler who “came”, “saw”, & “conquered”
Julius Caesar
Best-selling Frederick Forsyth "File" that flopped out as a feature
The Odessa File
To murmur contentedly in a feline manner
to purr
Losing to Grant in 1872, this Democrat's hopes went "west, young man"
Horace Greeley
Scottish word for lake
This, the longest recorded war, actually lasted 116 years
the 100 year war
Someone older than 79, but younger than 90
How a horse would probably vote in Parliament
Missing Presidency by less than 1%, he was later swamped by Pat Brown in Cal. governor's race
Richard Nixon
This is the longest river in Europe
The Volga River
The 19th century “revolution” in which machines replaced hand tools
The Industrial Revolution
Besides "of", only other word in the Pledge of Allegiance that begins with "O"
To make a concerned, clicking sound with the tongue, or name of Carson's "Wonder Hen"
In 1975, a copy of the Nov. 3, 1948 Chicago Tribune was worth $5,000 because of this headline
Dewey Defeats Truman
American river only 33 miles shorter than the Mississippi
The Missouri
Louis XIV’s plush palace where the treaty that ended WW I was signed
To kiss
to osculate
A sea inlet smaller than a gulf, or a coyote's "moon song"
He lost to John Quincy Adams in 1824, but Adams lost to him in 1828
Andrew Jackson
World's largest lake, nearly 5 times as big as Superior
The Caspian Sea
Leader of the French Revolution stabbed in his bath by Charlotte Corday
a wine expert
an oenologist
Kind of "singing" common to pigs & stool pigeons
"The Kansas sunflower" this Republican suffered a worse defeat than any previous major candidate
Alf Landon