What a quarter note is worth in 4/4 time?
What is one beat?
What is quiet?
Singing the same melody together
What is unison?
Where Mrs. Harding went to school in 8th and 9th grade
Laramie Junior High School
What a half note is worth in 4/4 time?
What is two beats?
Medium loud
What is mezzo forte?
What we sing out music on to learn the notes
What is solfege?
The sport Mrs. Harding played in college
What is tennis?
What a dotted quarter note is worth in 4/4 time?
What is 1 1/2 beats?
Very loud
What is fortissimo?
Doraji and Arirang are both ____ in Korea
What are folk songs?
Mrs. Harding's favorite football team
Who are the Pittsburgh Steelers?
What a whole rest is worth in 3/4 time?
What is three beats?
Get louder
"I could make you hold it out for ten minutes if I wanted to."
What is a fermata?
Mrs. Harding's favorite singer
Who is Ariana Grande?
What a dotted whole note is worth?
What is 6 beats?
Get softer
What is subito?
Mrs. Harding's favorite candy
What is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?