What prophet wrote about the tree of life vision? (1 Nephi 8:2-28)
Who baptized Jesus Christ? (Matthew 3:13-17)
John the Baptist
Who received the first revelation recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants? (D&C 1:1-6)
Joseph Smith
Favorite candy
Name all members of the teachers Family.
Zak, Heidi, Jake, Lucy
What was the name of the last Nephite prophet to write in the Book of Mormon? (Moroni 10:1-2)
What miracle did Jesus perform with five loaves and two fishes? (Matthew 14:17-21)
He fed 5,000 people
What is the first commandment given in D&C? (D&C 4:2 – “O ye that embark in the service of God”)
To serve God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength
Where is Leo from?
Where did we go to college?
Who was the leader of the 2,000 stripling warriors? (Alma 53:19-22)
What sermon did Jesus give on a mount, teaching the Beatitudes? (Matthew 5-7)
The Sermon on the Mount
What event caused Joseph Smith to receive D&C 13? (D&C 13 – Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood)
The appearance of John the Baptist, who conferred the Aaronic Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
What position does Julian play?
All of them
Where are you teachers moving?
What was the name of the Nephite commander who wrote a letter to the Lamanite leader Zerahemnah? (Alma 44:1-4)
Captain Moroni
Who denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed? (Luke 22:61-62)
What did the Lord say about rebaptism in D&C 22? (D&C 22:2 – "Old covenants are done away, and a new and everlasting covenant was given")
That previous baptisms performed without proper authority were not valid, and a new and everlasting covenant (baptism by proper authority) was necessary
How many languages are spoken in this class
3+ Russian, Spanish, English, German?
Where did your teachers grow up?
South Florida and Orem
What was the name of the Jaredite king who saw the finger of the Lord? (Ether 3:6-14)
The Brother of Jared (Mahonri Moriancumer)
What apostle had a vision of the Second Coming and wrote about it in Revelation? (Revelation 1:1-3, 19:11-16)
John the Revelator (John the Beloved)
What did the Lord say about His own voice in D&C? (D&C 18:34-36 – "These words are not of men nor of man, but of me")
That His voice is in the scriptures, and when we read them, we hear Him
Where does Ian go to visit his Grandparents?
Where have your teachers lived as a married couple?