In Canada, who has individual rights?
Where did the treaty and peace meetings take place, and in what year?
Montreal 1701
What is a right and what is a freedom?
Right - something you are owed by society
Freedom - something no one can stop you from doing
What are the four pillars of democracy?
Freedom, Justice, Equality, Representative
What is the difference between consensus and majority rule?
Consensus - everyone discusses and agrees
Majority Rule - vote and the one with the most votes wins
What is the difference between individual and collective rights?
Individual is for one person, collective is for the whole group.
Who was involved in the treaty? (How many nations?)
40 nations total - French & 39 First Nations
There are two rights in the Charter having to do with language. What are they and how are they different?
Minority Language Education Rights (protects a collective group and is related to schooling)
Official Languages of Canada Rights (protects individuals and is related to communications with the government)
Which pillar is the most important?
They are all equally important.
In the Iroquois Confederacy, chiefs (or Hoyenah) were chosen by whom?
The female elders of the clan (Clan Mothers)
Give two examples of collective rights.
Lots! Minority language rights, multicultural heritage, aboriginal and treaty rights, elections every 5 years, etc.
Why was the treaty necessary?
Stop fighting over land, distribution of resources, fairer trading, etc.
Give an example that shows the difference between and right and a freedom.
The right to practice religion and the freedom to choose which religion that is.
How does the Treaty of La Grande Paix show Equity?
Every nation involved got the land they needed to survive.
What type of decision-making was used in the Iroquois Confederacy and what is one advantage to using it?
Consensus - everyone has their voice heard
Give three examples of individual rights.
Lots! To belong to any group, freedom of expression, mobility rights, participation in elections, etc.
Was the treaty an example of protecting individual or collective rights? Give an example.
Collective Rights - Protected trading interests of the French, protected land rights and resources of First Nations
Why is the Canadian Charter Entrenched in the Canadian Constitution?
To Protect It (and to protect democracy)
How does the Treaty of La Grande Paix show Justice?
Collective identity and rights were protected.
What are Oral Traditions and how are Wampum belts and example of this?
Oral traditions are stories told using your mouth (they are not written down) and a wampum belt tells a story
Give two examples of rights that are BOTH individual and collective.
Peaceful protest, to live free of prejudice, etc.
Why was the treaty important for future generations?
Protected collective rights, demonstrated fairness/equity, protected collective identity
How does the Constitution protect the Charter?
The Constitution is LAW
How does the Treaty of La Grande Paix show Freedom?
It didn't stop anyone from doing what they need to survive.
If a chief from one of the nations in the Iroquois Confederacy was often absent without good reason or did not represent the views of his clan, what would happen to him?
After 3 warnings, he would be removed from the position by the Clan Mother