What kind of organization made the advertisement?
An advertiser/marketing company
What is the main point of the message?
The viewer is the best mom in the whole world (assuming they are a mother)
What platforms were used to spread the message?
Online social media
The target audience for the advertisement
Heterosexual mothers
What is the purpose of the message?
To wish moms a happy Mother’s Day "the KFC way" through a "shirt-ripping, finger-lickin’ performance"
Who made the advertisement?
KFC's US Marketing subsidiary
What images or sounds catch your attention?
Catchy dance music ; big buff KFC men
What kind of media was used for the advertisement?
Audiovisual film
Who is disadvantaged in some way?
Not heterosexual mothers
Who controls the transmission of the advertisement?
KFC's Marketing team, as they choose where and when to upload and spread the media
BONUS: The Chief Marketing Officer responsible for the advertisement was Male or Female?
Andrea Zahumensky (F)
What point of view can be gleamed from the advertisement?
"If we have hot buff men strip and dance on stage, we can sell more chicken"
What strengths do the medium and platform have?
Wide reach and fast spread
How can the advertisement be interpreted differently?
Some may find it offensive, inappropriate, or objectifying
What is missing from the advertisement
The tie-in limited-time product, the "Cinnabon Dessert Biscuits"
How effectively does the message represent reality?
Not very well. There are, in fact, no hot buff men dancing in KFCs. :(
What weaknesses does the chosen medium have?
Lack of internet or electricity makes the media inaccessible
BONUS: If you were a mother, how would you personally interpret the advertisement?
Open ended (Free candy :D)
BONUS: What is the name of the male dancing group featured in the advertisement?
The KFC Chickendales
Suggest other ways of presenting the given message in the advertisement
Open ended (free candy :D)
What techniques were used in creating the advertisement?
Sensual choreography, captivating lighting and visuals, hand-picking conventionally attractive actors, etc.