Pi day is celebrated on this date
What is March 14th
This color is most associated with St. Patrick's Day
What is green?
The month Mr. Dolce was born
What is October?
This classic fall pie is made with a bright orange squash and is popular at Thanksgiving.
What is pumpkin pie?
The mathematical constant pi represents the ratio of this shape's circumference to its diameter
What is a circle?
The 3 leafed plant St. Patrick used to explain the Holy Trinity
What is a shamrock?
The color of Mr. Dolce's hair
What is blond?
Most pie crusts are made with three basic ingredients: flour, water, and this fat.
What is butter or shortening?
The first 3 digits of pi after the decimal point
What is 141?
This University is known as "The fighting Irish"
What is Notre Dame?
The number of states Mr. Dolce has lived in
What is 8?
This fruit-filled pie, often paired with ice cream, is commonly called "as American as" itself.
What is apple pie?
This famous physicist known for the theory of relativity was born on pi day
Who is Albert Einstein?
A common myth says St. Patrick is responsible for driving this reptile out of Ireland.
What is a snake?
The number of years Mr. Dolce has been teaching
What is 26?
This pie, made with a graham cracker crust and tart citrus filling, is the official state pie of Florida
What is key lime pie?
This ancient civilization used a rough approximation of pi as 3.125 in their calculations for pyramids.
Who are the Babylonians?
This major U.S. city dyes it's river green every year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day
What is Chicago?
Mr. Dolce's favorite flavor of pie
What is apple?
This U.S. founding father and president was known for his love of sweet potato pie
Who is Thomas Jefferson?