This Acronym is what should be done with every med pass.
BCMA-Bar Code Med Administration
Dial this number to activate a code OB
Correct dose of Pitocin after cesarean section and bleeding is stable
3-unit bolus x1 followed by 3units/hr x3hrs
When I am alone in a patient room and the patient faints, I use this to get extra help right away.
Staff Alert
The amount of "j" time hours given for taking the BLS course.
When updating a provider about a patient's condition it is best to use this communication tool.
Needlestick Hotline 415-469-4411
This action must be done twice before giving a medication: The patient ID and then the medication.
Barcode scanning
Monthly staff meetings happen on this day and time(s) per month
2nd Wednesday of every month 0730 1330 1530
The type of hours used for required classes, such as SPLASH day
This team might be helpful when trying to de-escalate a patient's visitor.
The Emergency Resource guide where you find what to do in any type of emergency is more commonly called this.
Rainbow chart
This must be re-assessed one hour after giving PO pain medication or 15min after if given by IV
pain assessment
Who I call to replace my crash cart when I discover it is expired.
Required to obtain a dual P103 position
Pass 6mo probationary period and request through Jessica
When using a fire extinguisher
PASS: Pull the pin, Aim the extinguisher, Squeeze the handle, Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire
This code should be activated if a patient on a 5150 hold (for harm to themselves) walks out of the hospital.
Code Green
If the lab calls with a critical lab result, I will chart it here.
Provider Notification in Epic
The best way to communicate with provider to relay a non-urgent message.
Secure chat
There are this many legal holidays in a calendar year.
During a fire or "code red" implement this acronym.
RACE: Rescue persons in danger, Pull Alarm and call 911, Contain, Close doors and windows, shut oxygen, Evacuate and Extinguish
When a disaster occurs an incident command center will be set up at this location on the SFGH campus
Building 25, 7th floor conference room
I can find the FBC provider guidelines here as well as Monthly birthdays.
Birth Center Sharepoint site.
Here I will find the MSDS link that informs me about hazardous materials in use on our campus
The intranet
The number of days you have to show proof of completing a course when using education leave.
7 days