The Lamp of the Body & Six Woes
The Yeast and The Good Samaritan
The Unmerciful Servant
The Great Banquet
The Cost of Being a Disciple

The Pharisee was surprised that Jesus did not do this before the meal.

What is wash?


The disciples forgot to take this when they went across the lake.

What is bread?


Jesus told Peter that he should forgive his brother this many times.

What is seventy-seven?


Jesus explained that when you are invited to a wedding feast, take this place at the table.

What is the lowest?


One must carry this and follow Jesus in order to be His disciple.

What is their cross?


When your eyes are good, your body is full of this; but when they are bad, it is full of this.

What are light and darkness?


The Samaritan gave the innkeeper this to look after the man who had been robbed.

What are two silver coins?


After being forgiven of his 10,000 talent debt, the same servant went out and threw a fellow servant in prison for this many denarii.

What is one hundred?


He who humbles himself will be this.

What is exalted?


One must give up this much of what they have in order to be a disciple of Jesus.

What is everything?


When talking to the Pharisees, Jesus said that their generation would be responsible for the blood of all the prophets, from this man to this man. 

Who are Abel and Zechariah?


The man in "The Good Samaritan" was left in this condition after being robbed.

What is half dead?


The master used this adjective to describe the unmerciful servant who refused to cancel the debt of his fellow servant.

What is wicked?


This many men who were originally invited to the banquet received a taste of it.

What is zero?


Before going into war with 10,000 men, the king must consider whether he can defeat the other side that has this many men.

What is 20,000?


In the middle of Jesus' teaching, one of the experts in the law accused Jesus of doing this with the things that He was saying.

What is insulting them?


These three men encountered the man who had been robbed on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho.

Who were a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan?


Jesus explained that God will treat you in the same manner that the master treated the servant who failed to cancel his fellow servant's debt unless you do this.

What is to forgive your brother from your heart?


Name 3 out of the 4 places that the servant went to look for guests after those who were invited did not show up.

What are streets, alleys, roads, and country lanes?



1 - Father

2 - Mother

3 - Wife

4 - Children

5 - Brothers

6 - Sisters

7 - Oneself


Jesus said woe to the Pharisees because, although they gave a tenth of these three things, they neglected justice and the love of God.

What are mint, rue, and all other kinds of garden herbs?


Jesus reminded the disciples of two occurrences during His ministry. One where He used this many loaves to feed this many men and another where He used this many loaves to feed this many men. 

What are five/five thousand and seven/four thousand?


Before taking pity on the servant who owed 10,000 talents, the master ordered that these three people, along with all that he had, be sold to repay the debt.

Who are the servant, the servant's wife, and the servant's children?



1 - Bought a field

2 - Bought five yoke of oxen

3 - Got married


When salt loses its saltiness, it is not even fit for these two things; but must be thrown out.

What are the soil and the manure pile?