How do we move in the classroom?
What should I do when I come into the classroom first?
What should you put away first when we're packing up?
Your bookbox!
When I to go to the bathroom, I should...
Hush, flush, wash, and rush!
When the whistle blows I...
Stop playing and run to line up
Do we sharpen our own pencils? Who sharpens them for us?
NO! That is the pencil sharpeners job!
What should you always bring with you into the classroom?
Your folder and your water bottle!
When we're packing up, what do you do after you put your book box away?
Check your mailbox!
If I need to go to the nurse, I do this first!
Ask Mrs. Stark!
If I have laps, I always check in with this person!
The teacher! I make sure and tell her I walked my laps so that she can check my name off of the list!
Where do we sit at the carpet?
In our assigned seats!
AFTER I put my folder in my mailbox, I...
Grab my book box and go to my seat.
When we're packing up, what should your table look like?
The top of the table should be clean! The chrome books should be put away, and the chairs should all be stacked!
If I get a Liberator Leader ticket, before I can take it to the office I need to...
Ask for permission first!
The countdown for recess is...
Lines are straight, voices are off!
How do we line up to leave the classroom?
In line order!
After switching, once I go to my seat, I get on...
Xtra Math! Sitting quietly in our seats
What should I do if there is trash on the floor, but I didn't put it there?
I should pick it up!
In the hallway, our line is...
Short, Straight, and Silent! We are in line order!
If I do not check in with the laps teacher...
I owe more laps next recess!
What do we do if we want to say something, but someone else is still talking?
RAISE our hand and wait our turn!
If I finish my Xtra Math lesson BEFORE the timer goes off, I work on...
iReady Math LESSONS!
Where do lost items from the classroom, like crayons, expo markers, erasers, and whiteboards go?
The share shelf!
In the cafeteria I always do this when I need help!
Raise my hand!
If there is a small problem with a friend at recess, I try strategies from this wheel before I tell a teacher!
Kelso's Wheel!