What is 21 - 5 = ?
Bonus : What is 17 + 3 - 9 = ?
Bonus = 11
What ancient civilization is perhaps most known for discovering noteworthy complexities of the stars ✨️ and also predicted the end of the world? 🌎 💥
The Mayans
What gets wetter as it dries?
A towel
What is invincible's real name?
Mark Grayson
What is Saitama's hero name?
Caped Baldy
5 + 94 = ?
What continent is Brazil 🇧🇷 in?
South America
What gets bigger the more you take away from it?
A hole 🕳
What are green lanterns powers tied to?
His will
Who is Silverfang?
The S Class hero grandmaster fighter
(15 × 1) - 5 = ?
Berlin is located in which country?
Germany 🇩🇪
I'm trapped in a dark chamber, ready to burst out in any moment, I can make people laugh, cry, cough, or flee, but I'm not usually welcome around others. What am I..?
Farts! 🫨 💥 😫 💀
Superman has a dog named..?
What is Zombieman's power?
He can't die
500 ÷ 50 = ?
What does the spanish holiday
"Cinco De Mio" Mean?
Bonus : What is the purpose of the holiday?
The day of the dead 💀
Bonus : To celebrate life but also those that have passed
What's the best way to defeat a very hungry vampire?
Steak 🥩
A magic superhero that has to shout this word to transform from child to adult embodied with enough power to potentially challenge superman!
A. Aquamarine B. Thunder Man
C. Shazam D. Martian Manhunter
Who is the first person in the series to survive multiple strikes from one punch man 🤜
A. Genos B. Garou
C. Titan D. Boros
12 × 12 = ?
Bonus : 123 + 123 = ?
Bonus = 246
What animal in egyptian culture supposedly has the power to ward off evil spirits or undead?
Cats 🐈
A Japanese man hits his head slipping and falling while running from a criminal. He reaches the police station and yells for his friend the police officer saying..?
Officer Sum ting Wong!
In invincible, Omni Man left Earth after what event?
A. He nearly killed his son and fled in shame.
B. He fought Battle Beast and nearly died.
C. He found out he was a viltrumite.
D. He shat on his new cape and was condemned to exile.
Who is the antagonist in season 2 that runs around beating up other heroes but randomly runs into Saitama multiple times and instantly is defeated every time without even knowing who he is?
Garou, Silverfangs old pupil