Love Life
Love Tragedies
Here's to teenage (20's) memories
All about moi
We're just girls

This is where X spied on one’s date, which led to X swiping right on. 

What is the sushi+round 1 with Timmy date?


This is the name of the dating app where Arriane met her first situationship.

What is tinder?


This is the type of food we all love.

What is sushi? 


This is Rizelle's better buzz order.

What is Iced best drink ever? 


This is how Marion and Rizelle rekindled their friendship.

What is Rizelle posted a picture at yogurt land on snapchat and Marion replied asking to hang out soon?


This is where Arriane had her first kiss.

What is a car?


This is the name of a place where X was going to meet with X, but only if they were in the area. (X also left them on read til they were on the way, but then changed their mind…) 

What is part time lovers? 


This is the name of the book series all 4 of us read.

What is Twisted Series? 


This is Angela's usual "coffee" order. 

What is Matcha? 


This is the name of the man that ruined the bachelorette show for us.  

Who is Devin?


This is where Rizelle had her first kiss.

What is a car?


This is the place Rizelle was at when she finally unfollowed her Ex on instagram. (Bonus +20 if you know the exact date) 

What is Disneyland?


This is the name of the first concert all four of us went to as a group. 

What is Take my hand tour?


This is Arriane's favorite/Go-to scent that is also a flavor she enjoys drinking.

What is Jasmine? 


This person is not good at backwards directions (i.e: can GET somewhere, but forget about trying to go back home)

Who is Angela? 


This is the high school of Angela's work crush. 

What is Perris High School? 


This is the name of the guy that blocked Arriane on instagram. 

Who is Jason? 


This was the date where finally all 4 of us were there! (3 were spies) 

What is Angela and Justin's date (bonus +10 if you which date it was)


This is the name of the school Rizelle works at. 

What is Montessori School of San Diego? 


This is an activity that Rizelle and Marion did before Marion told her the truth about her Ex

What is eating tacos in the downtown water front?


This is the name of someone who X sat next to in college and would potentially go on a date with. 

Who is Nath from UCSD?


This is the name of the airport where X got broken up with. (bonus +30 if you know how many times it's been at this point.)

What is Chicago O'hare airport? (marion can give the correct number)


This is the name of the place we went to after our speakeasy as a full group.

What is Parq Nightclub


This is Marion's Starbucks order.

What is Triple-shot blonde espresso over ice with half and half?


This is the place Marion was at 12AM when her tire blew out and needed Rizelle's help. (Bonus +10 if you know who was the third person to help and actually did all the work) 

What is Chevron gas station/Carls Jr. parking lot?