The Underground Railroad helped enslaved people escape to freedom in this country north of the United States.
The Ring of Fire is a region surrounding this ocean, known for its high seismic activity and volcanoes.
The Pacific Ocean
This term describes the cutting down of trees at a large scale, often leading to habitat loss.
This line of latitude, located at 0 degrees, divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in this European capital city.
This major river, stretching from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, has historically been a vital trade route in the U.S.
Mississippi River
This U.S. region, made up of states like Georgia and Alabama, is known for its warm climate and history of cotton farming.
The Southeast
People build dams on rivers primarily to generate this type of energy.
Hydroelectric Power
This African country, home to the pyramids, is located in both Africa and Asia due to the Sinai Peninsula.
This large waterfall, located on the border of the U.S. and Canada, is a major tourist attraction.
Niagara Falls
The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, helped connect the Great Lakes to this major U.S. city.
New York City
The Amazon Rainforest is located primarily in this South American country.
Farmers in dry regions use this type of artificial watering system to grow crops.
This archipelago, located at approximately 20°N and 156°W, is the most isolated island chain in the world.
This U.S. national park, home to geysers and hot springs, sits atop a massive volcanic caldera.
Yellowstone National Park
This invention, first successfully used in the 19th century, revolutionized transportation and led to rapid industrial expansion worldwide.
The Steam Engine
This U.S. region, made up of states like Maine and Vermont, is known for its fall foliage.
New England
This environmental disaster in the U.S. Midwest during the 1930s led to mass migration due to drought and soil erosion.
The Dust Bowl
Mount Everest is located on the border of these two Asian countries.
Nepal and China
This Middle Eastern body of water has such a high salt concentration that people can float on its surface with ease.
The Dead Sea
This term refers to the large-scale migration of people from rural areas to cities, often for job opportunities.
This Middle Eastern region, rich in oil, is made up of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and the UAE.
The Persian Gulf
The Hoover Dam, located on the border of Nevada and Arizona, helps control this river.
The Colorado River
This country, located in the Southern Hemisphere, has three capital cities: Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Cape Town.
South Africa
This desert, known as the driest place on Earth, is located along the Pacific coast of South America.
The Atacama Desert