What is True.
Caramel Chocolate Chip
True or False: Is it okay to sell cookies alone?
What is False
Price of 1 box of cookies.
What is $6
The most sold Girls Scout cookie ever.
What is Thin Mints
About 1/4 of all sales.
This is the theme/ mascot of this year's cookie rewards.
What is "Noodles" the Panda.
The panda is a symbol of conservation and protecting endangered species. The panda's gentle nature and love of bamboo also inspire girls to pursue their goals and "Embrace Possibility".
Coconut is the main ingredient.
What is Caramel Delight.
True or False: It is okay to sell cookies after dark if you have another Girl Scout with you and a cell phone.
What is False, it is not okay to sell cookies after dark without an adult.
The amount our troop gets per box sold.
What is $1.
True or False: Have Girl Scout cookies ever been in space?
What is True!
Jan Davis, the first woman to be a space shuttle commander, took Girl Scout Cookies into space in 1992.
This cookie is a delicious blend of chocolate brownie and caramel cream.
What is Adventurefuls.
The cookie that will retire after this cookie season.
What is Toast-Yay
We will have a new cookie next year.
True or False: During a cookie both, it is okay for you to go to the bathroom by yourself.
What is False, another Girl Scout or a second adult should go with you.
* There should always be an adult watching the cookies and money.
The price of 3 boxes of cookies.
What is $18.
What state were the first Girl Scout cookies sold?
A. California
B. Minnesota
C. Oklahoma
D. Texas
What is Oklahoma
A customer says they cannot eat cookies or doesn't want cookies. What can we ask them to do?
Donate a box.
The total amount of packages our troop sold last year.
What is 4,061 packages
True or False: It is best not to go into anyone's home or approach a car when selling cookies.
What is True.
Never enter someone’s home or vehicle when you’re selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles, except at designated drive-thru cookie booths, or going into alleys.
What change would be needed for a customer that bought 6 boxes of cookies and gave you 2- $20 bills ($40).
What is $4.
6 boxes, each at $6 is a total of $36.
$40 minus $36 would be $4 change.
Name one thing that was sold instead of cookies during World War II.
What is lollipops, calendars, tiddlywinks, and button candy.
Girl Scout cookies were not sold during World War II because of shortages of key ingredients like sugar, flour, and butter
There are several ways you can sell cookies to customers, name 3.
What is selling to family and friends in person or via email or social media, selling door to door, selling through digital cookie online, hosting a "lemonade stand" in your yard, participating in booth with others from our troop. Parents can also take to work.
Name at least one of the 5 skills Girl Scouts used when selling cookies.
What is,
Skill #1: Goal Setting
Girl Scouts learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them.
Skill #2: Decision Making
Girl Scouts learn to make decisions on their own and as a team.
Skill #3: Money Management
Girl Scouts learn how to create a budget and handle money.
Skill #4: People Skills
Girl Scouts find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions.
Skill #5: Business Ethics
Girl Scouts learn to act ethically, both in business and in life.
When using Digital Cookies, the online selling platform, you will sign an online sales pledge. Name at least 2 safety measures you can take.
What is,
I will not give out any personal information such as my last name, phone number, email, school or address, or those of my fellow troop members, cookie customers or anyone else in any photos or videos.
When writing email messages or online announcements, I will sign my first name only.
I will share only my first name, troop number and council name on my Digital Cookie site.
I will tell an adult right away if I come across or receive any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.
I will not directly message with people online or on social media platforms that I do not know.
I understand that my Council may impose other rules about my use of social media under the Digital Cookie program, and I will abide by those rules.
I understand and agree that I will only sell online using my Digital Cookie site. Additionally, I will not post on any online resale sites (such as, for example, Craigslist, Ebay or Facebook Marketplace).
I will not share my log-in information for my Digital Cookie site or Digital Cookie Mobile App with anyone other than my parent or guardian, or allow anyone, other than my parent or guardian, to access or use my Digital Cookie site or Mobile App in a logged-in state.
If my mobile device on which the Digital Cookie Mobile App is installed is lost or stolen, I will immediately tell my parent or guardian. My parent or guardian will report the lost device to my Girl Scout Cookie Sales Leader.
I will abide by this Digital Cookie Pledge when using the Digital Cookie Mobile App and only use the Digital Cookie Mobile App to process cookie orders and for no other purpose.
When handling customers’ credit cards, I will only use the credit cards for the purpose of taking payment for Digital Cookie orders and for no other purpose and I will not write down, photograph, screen capture or otherwise store any information from a customers’ credit card.
If you sold 100 packages of cookies, how much money would our troop get?
What is $100 for our troop.
$1 a package
The first year Girl Scout cookies were sold.
Hint: Over 100 years ago
What is 1917
The highest number of boxes sold by any one Girl Scout in a single cookie season.
What is 32,484.
In 2021, 8-year-old Lilly Bumpus sold 32,484 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.