Name these things based on square foot
85,000 square feet
CTS headquarters
How many years of CTS employment to earn a sabbatical?
10 years
Epic’s kiosk registration software
CTS iPad based healthcare kiosk
iPro kiosk
How many seats in the North Conf room?
$0.35 per cubic foot
CTS storage fee
How many time zones do CTS team members office in?
3 (Eastern, Central, Pacific)
CTS’s accounting software
CTS UVC system
Former South Conf room is now who’s office?
Mark Caringello
84 cubic feet
Storage dims for PPE
How long is the Standard Included Warranty valid?
1 year
CTS’s new MRP product name
Best Locker standard kiosk model
(Mighty) Brute
2nd floor conf area is on what end of the building?
40 ft x 40 ft
CTS print shop
What % of service calls does CTS answer in 20 seconds or less?
Our software partner on NADG project
Certify Global
22” monitor on adjustable BA kiosk
Who works in lobby reception?
Linda Grimm-Sturm
256 cubic feet
Cargo capacity of mini-van
What is the date of CTS’s next founding anniversary?
April 1, 2025
Cloudgate visitor management software company
Burger King kiosk
(Burger King) Virtual Fun Center
What is the only production area on carpet?
3D printing