The name of vestigial claw, located on the inside of a dogs leg
what is a dew claw.
You just picked up a dog without a collar, when the owner picks it up they say he is not wearing a collar because he just _________
What is "had a bath"
These types of mammals are prohibited from ownership in Kansas
What are large carnivores: Lions, Tigers, Bears
The only north American marsupial
What is an opossum
This movie star canine is famous for rescuing Timmy from the well
Who is Lassie
Earnest Hemmingway collected this type of cat
What is a polydactyl
You arrive on scene and there is a large group of people not associated with the call, Someone grabs their friend and pushes them towards you and says.....
What is, "take them, they are an animal"
Civilians are protected from civil liability if they remove an animal from
What is a hot car
Statistically, less than 1% of bats carry this disease
What is Rabies
This snowy owl was a loyal companion to a young wizard at Hogwarts
Who is Hedwig
What is a "righting reflex"
You pick up a found animal from a person who tearfully hands them over and asks you.......
What is, "your not going to kill it are you"
supplying at suitable intervals, not to exceed 24 hours, a quantity of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the animal species and age, and sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of nutrition in each animal is the definition of
What is Adequate feeding
What is the organ snakes use to "taste" their environment
What is a jacobson organ
This little pup caused trouble for its young owner by angering its "witch" of a neighbor
Who is Toto.
When a dog raises its hair on its back it is called
What is "piloerection"
You are called out to a skinny dog kept in a backyard and the owner says he is
What is "Just old"
any premises where all or part of six or more litters of dogs or cats, or both, or 30 or more dogs or cats, or both, are sold, or offered or maintained for sale, primarily at wholesale for resale to another.
What is an Animal Breeder premises
The Scientific name for the striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis
This 1957 movie traumatized us all when the canine hero rescued his owner from a rabid hog
What is "Old Yeller"
Cats typically communicate with kittens and humans (but not other cats) by.....
A person calls to complain about about a dog that charged her barking as she explains the situation she says
What is I got attacked
Unless you have a warrant or exigent circumstances an officer cannot encroach the ______________ of a property
What is curtilage
What is the name of the roundworm that can be found in Raccoon droppings
What is, Baylisascaris
This movie dog traumatized a group of boys trying to retrieve their baseball
The Beast