Does Guillermo know?! Decades before his late night gig on ABC, this TV host had vanity plates that read "L8 NITE"
Jimmy Kimmel
Named after an explorer who tried to travel around the world, the Strait of Magellan is a key passageway between these 2 oceans
the Pacific & Atlantic
Footwear for a beachgoer, it's often used as a verb meaning "to reverse a stand or position"
a flip-flop
It's the $%*@#&?! symbol seen here that Italians refer to as chiocciola, meaning "snail"
the at symbol (or at sign)
On an early book of Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator's maps, an image of this Titan holding the world was used
He often travels in a vehicle with a personalized plate that reads "SCV1"; the letters stand for "Status Civitatis Vaticanae"
the Pope
African-American explorer Matthew Henson joined Robert Peary on a historic attempt to reach this point in the center of the Arctic
the North Pole
In 2015, the Smithsonian was gifted 2 items Don Draper wore on "Mad Men": a gray suit & this type of hat
a fedora
It's the $%*@#&?! symbol seen here that pop star Kesha removed from her name in 2014
the dollar sign
On an early book of Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator's maps, an image of this Titan holding the world was used
Because another motorist had them first, Dr. Seuss waited years to get vanity plates that bore the name of this green meanie
the Grinch
Forming part of the border between New York & New Jersey, this river is named after the explorer who navigated its waters in 1609
In 2019, Rihanna launched Fenty; change the last 2 letters & you get this Italian luxury brand founded in 1925
It's the $%*@#&?! symbol seen here that, with the exclamation point, forms a punctuation mark known as an interrobang
a question mark
What's up with that, doc?! Mel Blanc had the vanity plate "KMIT"; "kish mir in tuchas" means "kiss my behind" in this language
Arriving in 1519, Hernán Cortés & his forces invaded central Mexico & took control of this empire led by Montezuma II
the Aztecs
It's the "soft woven cloth" mentioned several times on the Wikipedia page for "Grunge fashion"
It's the $%*@#&?! symbol seen here whose first word is derived from a Latin term meaning "by the 100"
the percentage (the percent sign)
It's the first name of the Oscar-winning actor who had vanity plates that read "BORG 9"
Ernest (Borgnine)
Son of Erik the Red, this Norse explorer is believed to have been one of the first Europeans to reach the shores of North America
Leif Erikson
Founded in 1992, FUBU is a hip-hop apparel company whose name stands for this
for us, by us
It's the $%*@#&?! symbol seen here that stands for the word spelled out by the last 3 letters in its name
an ampersand