What should the volume level be when you enter the class?
What is "level 0"
What is a map projection?
What is "a way of transforming the 3D Earth onto a 2D flat piece of paper."
What is a hemisphere?
What is "half of the Earth."
Where did Ms. SK go over winter break?
What is "Belize."
Once you are in your seat, what should you be doing?
What is "completing the do now and writing about something else if you finish."
What is a meridian?
What is "an imaginary line that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole."
How many continents are there (according to people who live in the United States)?
What is "seven."
How did Ms. SK spend her snow day?
What is "build a snowman."
What should you do when one of your peers is speaking?
What is "track them silently."
What is the equator?
What is "an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
What is a continent?
What is "a large landmass on Earth."
What holiday did Ms. SK celebrate?
What is "Hannukah."
Who do I call on and how many people speak at one time?
What are "silent hands and one person at a time."
What is latitude?
What is "a way to measure how far north or south a place is from the equator"
What is the prime meridian?
What is "the main meridian located at zero degrees longitude."
Where did Ms. SK go to college?
What is "Tulane University." ROLL WAVE
What do the last five minutes of class look like?
What is "packing up our belongings, picking up everything on the floor, and sitting quietly in our seat waiting for a teacher to dismiss us into hallway high five."
Why are map projections problematic?
What is "they distort the size of continents."
What is longitude?
What is "a way to measure how far east or west a place is from the Prime Meridian."
What are three animals Ms. SK saw on her vacation?
What are "Coatimundi, toucan, and horse."