2025 Season Deposits

What payment plans (and corresponding payment dates) do we offer for 2025 renewals?

  • Pay-in-full: They'll pay for their 2025 seats in full when they renew/purchase
  • Monthly Payment Plan: (renewal/purchase date through March of 2025): Equally spreads out their payments over that many months and charges their card on-file the 11th day of each month
  • 50/50 plan (holiday friendly): 50% of their season tickets will be charged on the date they renew and the other 50% will be charged on March 11th

How much do deposits cost and what's the cost of 2025 season tickets?

Deposits are $50 per seat and 100% of the paid deposits are applied toward the season tickets that you select in early-November. Season Tickets currently start at $187, but again, these prices will increase after November 1st.


I love the idea of the benefits and securing the discounted prices, I just can't attend 17 matches next year.

I absolutely understand. Many of our current season ticket members have the same concerns, but they've found that our ticket exchange program has helped a ton. You can move any games that you won't be able to attend to a future match to have additional tickets for friends, family, colleagues, etc. How does that sound?


What 6 "additional" benefits do we offer for our pick 2

1. Season Ticket Member Gift

2. Bus Trip to an Away Game

3. Concession Vouchers

4. Season Parking Pass

5. Children's Museum Day Pass

6. Flex Vouchers


What other teams are we competing against in the USL sales contest and when does that start?

Monterey & San Antonio. August 19th


When is the deadline to renew my season tickets?

I’d recommend renewing prior to November 1st so you can guarantee early bird pricing and secure the most affordable season tickets for next year! Also renewing before November 1st gives you access to “Pick 2” additional benefits of your preference!


If I place a deposit, when do I select my seats for the 2025 season?

By placing deposits you’re guaranteed season tickets for the 2025 season and will be able to select your seats in early-November through our online seat selection process.


I'll wait until after the new year. I'm not even thinking about 2025 yet, and would like to use this money toward holiday expenses.

I totally get that! Two things I would want to mention though, our pricing is discounted if you renew/purchase prior to November 1st. I'd have to have you spend additional money by waiting. Also, we do have a holiday friendly payment plan - 50% down now and then we wouldn't charge the additional 50% until March 11th. How does that sound?


What is the STM Gift?

A team signed banner


Outside of the pick 2 benefits, what else is included if I purchase for 2025?

1. Ticket Exchange Program

2. 20% off Indy Eleven Merch

3. W League Season Tickets

4. Exclusive Event Access

5. Playoff Ticket Priority

6. Private Entrance


I don't want to renew these seats. I need a more affordable option for next season. How can I do that?

You will first need to renew your current Season Tickets (or make initial payment) to have access to our online relocation process that will happen in November. Good news is that signing up for our monthly plan now secures our discounted season ticket pricing, and then in November you'll have the option to relocate to the seats that make the most sense for you!


If I place deposits and don't select season tickets, can I use that money another way or receive a refund?

Season tickets deposits are not refundable, but can be applied toward single game tickets, flex vouchers, or groups tickets for 2025.


Parking was a guaranteed benefit last year, why isn’t it this year?

We didn’t want to assume that all season ticket members wanted parking as their additional benefit. We’re excited to offer a customizable benefits package that allows our fans to choose the benefits that are of most value to them. Good news! If you renew by Nov 1st you can still take advantage of parking while getting an additional benefit of your choice!


What will the prices increase to after November 1st?

While we don’t have the specific prices, we do expect all season ticket costs to increase after Nov. 1st. With those increases ranging from 5-10%


What lead sources are we targeting for 2025 season ticket deposits? (5/7 for correct answer)

1. Scored Leads

2. Past STMs

3. Formstacks

4. Click and Open Leads

5. Fevo Interest leads

6. Flex upgrades

7. Personal prospecting/4 Leaf B2B


Renewals are so much earlier this year. I'll wait. Why did this get moved up?

That’s a good question! Launching a customizable benefits package means that we have to move the timeline up in order to fulfill the benefits that are selected by our STMs. Also, launching renewals while we’re in soccer season, only helps us connect with our fans, and gives us the ability to even meet with you at a game!

We also offer a variety of payment plans, plus early bird pricing, to assist with any concerns that might arise with an earlier renewal timeline. 


If I'm placing my deposit now, but don't become an actual season ticket member until early-November, do I get the early bird pricing and pick 2 benefits?

Yes! If you secure your deposits before November 1st, you’re guaranteed the extra benefits and discounted pricing.


I'm concerned with all of this MLS talk and Indianapolis just isn't a 2 soccer team city. 

START WITH: While the news that broke a few months ago was a surprise to us at the front office and the city of Indianapolis, we’re still very optimistic that the future of soccer in our city runs through Indy Eleven, whether that’s MLS or USL therefore the best priority that our season ticket members can have, would be to continue to be a season ticket member.

How many concession vouchers do I get if I select that as one of my benefits?

$5 per seat, per game. They can be picked up in bulk at our customer service tent at the first home match of 2025.


Regarding Salesforce - what is most important for you  to do, to get the most out of it? (2/4 for correct answer)

1. At least 6 touchpoints per lead / setting realistic follow up dates

2. Stay up to date with your activities 'due today'

3. No lost leads

4. Work out of opportunities / don't just set loose activities


Can I downgrade my location during relocation in November? Also, can I decrease the number of season tickets that I have?

You can decrease the number of season tickets that you have (i.e. yes, you can renew 2 of your 4 season tickets now). Yes, during relocation you can move your seats to any other available seats, no matter the price point 


What is the benefit of placing my deposits now as opposed to waiting until late-October?

All season ticket deposits are time-stamped, so the sooner you place your deposits the better priority you’ll have in selecting your seats come November!


I love Indy Eleven and coming to games, but I've been able to get free tickets or really cheap tickets. Not interested, but thank you.

Open Ended. Best pitch wins


What benefits do I get if I renew/purchase after November 1st?

As you can imagine, ordering the different benefits that we’re offering takes planning between us and vendors. November 1st will give us enough time to fulfill the requests. After November 1st customization of the benefit package will no longer be available – but please do know that two additional benefits would be selected for those that take action after November 1st


When renewing someone over the phone or getting a new season ticket deposit - what's the question you need to make sure and ask and what do you need to make sure and do?

Q: Which pick 2 benefits would you like to opt-in for?

Archtics: Update Acct Rep to yourself and update the Info 1,2,3 fields to your name and contact info

Salesforce: Mark as won with correct required fields