General Case Questions
Plaintiff Witnesses
Defense Witnesses
P & D Misc

This is the date of the incident in question.

What is August 9, 2018?


This is the name of the friend who dared Malcolm to knock on the glass at the snake exhibit. 

What is Tom?


This is the name of the gorilla who bit Malcolm.

Who is Joe?


This is the highest degree that Dr. Goodall holds.

What is PhD in zoology?


This is the park that Jordon Hammond owned before Utopia Zoo.

What is Hedge Gardens?


According to the court documents, "witnesses may testify to information contained in this only if it is also found in their witness statement.

What is the Case Summary?


This is 1) why Malcolm continued to make gorilla noises on the safari and 2) finally stopped.

What is 1) his friends thought it was hilarious and 2) one started howling back?


This is how many days Dr. Goodall observed the gorillas at Utopia Zoo.

What is three?


This is why Hammond did not think Grant's report was valid.

What is Grant only spent a half a day at Utopia Zoo?


This is how many rules are on the Zoo signage for zoo visitors.

What is 4?


These are the two affirmative defenses available in this case.

What are contributory negligence and comparative negligence?


This is what Robin Thomas took from the Utopia Zoo offices.

What is a document on an engineer named Devin Grant?


This is what Sammy Dundee heard when the safari tram was by the alligators.

What is "Stop it, Taylor!"?


According to Hammond, this is the role for which Hammond hired Devin Grant.

What is a "strictly advisory role"?

(page 25)


This is the rule that could allow a statement by Sammy Dundee to be entered by the Plaintiff. 

What is 801(d)(2)?


This is the percentage blind spot that is noted in Devin Grant's report (with respect to driver of the tram).

What is 25%?

(Ex. 2)


These are two reasons why Robin Thomas was fired after his visit to the zoom

What is snooping at the zoo and the story was too sensational? (Also - went behind bosses' backs to submit the story.)


This is how Malcolm ended up inside the gorilla exhibit. 

What is he was hit by a tranquilizer?


According to the zoo map, these are the first two animals that visitors will see on the safari tram.

What are antelopes and ostriches?


These are the two components of Causation.

What are direct cause and proximate cause?

direct: would not have been harmed “but-for” the defendant’s conduct or defendant’s conduct was a substantial factor in bringing about the harm
proximate: a natural and continuous sequence produces a person's injury, and is a cause which a reasonable and prudent person could have foreseen


These are the two notes made about the context of the attack in Taylor Malcolm's medical records. 

What is "provoked attack" and "entered animal's domain"?


These are the two reasons why the tram could malfunction and become locked on the track.

What are the size of the tram and the railing?

I noted that given the size of the tram and railing, it was likely that the tram could malfunction and become locked on the track

This is the company motto that Hammond created for his zoo.

What is "caution, care, and credibility?


This is when evidence that the gorillas has been violent prior to the incident with Malcolm was seen by a witness.

What is the day Robin Thomas visited and rode the tram?

"As I left, however, I noticed a dent where the gorilla hit the tram."


This is where you will find mention of "blue safety boxes" throughout the park.

What is Exhibit 4?