What is an octave? Write an example
Distance between 8 notes
Ex: open D to High D, Open G to High G, Low Bb to High Bb, etc.
Name, Draw, and write the counting for the fastest rhythm we have learned so far.
Sixteenth Notes
Counting: 1 E + A
Define and draw a staccato note
Detached and short sounding note
Dot is located underneath of the rhythm
True or False: The Key Signature informs us of which scale we warm up with.
In gargoyles, who has the MELODY in measure 5(beginning)?
Violas, Cellos, and Bass
Name, Draw, and label a hooked bowing.
Down Bow Down Bow
Up Bow Up Bow
Name, Draw, and write the counting for one eighth note followed by two sixteenth notes.
1 +a
Define and draw a slurred note
2 different pitches connected to perform in one bow direction.
Which Key Signature has no sharps of flats? Draw and Name the Key Signature
What does a dot do to the note? (Dotted rhythm)
Adds half the value of the original note
Name, Draw, and write the counting for two sixteenth notes followed by one eighth note.
1 E +
Define and draw a TIED note
Note of the same pitch connected in the same bow dirrection. Tie acts as a addition sign.
Which Key Signature has 3 Sharps? Draw and Name the Key Signature
The Key of A Major
3 Sharps: F#, C#, G#
In gargoyles, who has the melody in measure 36?
Violin 1 and Cellos
What is a tremelo?
Play the same note smoothly at a fast pace.
Name, Draw, and write the counting for a dotted eighth note followed by one sixteenth note.
1_ _ +
Define and draw a accented note
beginning of the note is initially played with an emphasis and weight and then released weight.
Which Key Signature has 1 flat? Draw and Name the Key Signature
The Key of F major
Flat: Bb
In Spring, who has the melody at the beginning of the piece?
draw and label all of the dynamics we have learned so far
pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff
crescendo, decrescendo
Name, Draw, and write the counting for Dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note.
1 _ _ +
Tip of the BOW
Which Key Signature has 2 flats? Draw and Name the Key Signature
The Key of Bb Major
Flats: Bb, Eb
Who is the BEST, AMAZING, music teacher in the world?